Notices - 2017
THEFT- by Monday Players
published on 13th Oct 2017
Monday Players next production is...
THEFT - A comedy by Eric Chappell
John Miles is successful, determined and wealthy. When he returns from dinner out with wife Barbara and best friends Trevor and Jenny to find his house has been burgled, he's furious, particularly as the burglar may still be in the house.
And when the local copper appears from nowhere, John assumes they have found their bumbling burglar, Spriggs.
But as Spriggs starts to expertly manipulate, cajole and corrupt them, we begin to wonder if he's much, much cleverer than they think.
With a hidden safe, childhood rivalries, guilty secrets and everything to lose, five very different people play an escalating and hilarious game of cat and mouse...
16th, 17th and 18th November 2017 at 7.30pm
The Village Hall, Escrick
Tickets £7
Tickets available from:
Monday Players Members
01904 728303
Further details on the production are available on our website:
Diwali, Halloween and Bonfire Night
published on 6th Oct 2017 (updated on 13th Oct 2017)
This year Diwali falls on Thursday 19th October - and it is likely that some residents will celebrate with fireworks (which are legally permitted until 1am on Diwali). Those residents with pets may wish to keep them indoors.
There is more detail regarding the law around fireworks on the Government website: and police website:
Many children enjoy taking part in 'trick or treat' activities on Halloween (Tuesday 31st October), and many residents gladly take part sharing treats. However, not everyone welcomes visitors, including those trying to get small children to sleep, or those who find answering the door difficult. The general etiquette is that those households willing to partake leave a pumpkin on prominent display, and those that would rather be left in peace don't. Please consider this etiquette if taking part.
Bonfire night
Bonfire night (5th Nov) falls on a Sunday this year, and it is likely that some residents will let off fireworks on Friday 3rd, Saturday 4th, and Sunday 5th November. Those residents with pets may wish to keep them indoors on these dates. (NB: There is no display at Queen Margaret's this year, due to half-term).
We are aware that some residents object to private firework displays - but there is no requirement for them to be pre-notified, and (providing they are undertaken lawfully) no ability for the Parish Council to prevent them. It might be considered good manners, however, to let your neighbours know in advance if you are planning a display, particularly if they have pets.
There is more detail regarding the law around fireworks on the Government website: and police website:
Parish Magazine update - October 2017
published on 1st Oct 2017
The following note appeared in October's Parish Magazine
Escrick Parish Council
Parish Councillor vacancy: We still have a vacancy for a Parish Councillor - if anyone is interested, or would like to learn more about the role, please contact the Chair or Clerk (details below).
A19 safety: Cllr Musgrave (County Councillor) reported that he had had several meetings with highways, and that the preferred solution would be to install traffic lights at the Skipwith Rd/A19 junction - the key issue is finding funding for the scheme.
Quarry proposal: The Parish Council have accepted an invite for a site visit to Plasmor to understand more about their plans for the proposed site west of the A19.
Village maintenance: A dog waste bin has been installed on the footpath by the beck on Skipwith Road. Following the success of the “Spring Clean” earlier in the year, the PC will coordinate an “Autumn Clean” on Saturday 11th November in the afternoon. Hold the date, more details next month - many volunteers welcomed!
Parish Council meeting dates: (No August meeting) Monday 2nd October, 6th November, 4th December. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome. Contact: Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:
Information regarding sewage leaks
published on 13th Sep 2017
The Parish Council are aware that there have recently been a number of instances of surface water flooding and of sewage leaking onto roads/pavements in the village. The Parish Council has been liaising with the relevant bodies to establish the cause and ensure that remedial action is being taken.
Surface water / blocked drains and gullys:
Where flooding on roads/pavements occurs due to blocked drains or gullys, this is the responsibility of the county council, and can be reported online here: However NYCC's policy is that they will only clear drains/gullys once per year unless they are causing a health and safety issue.
Blocked / overflowing sewers:
The sewer network is the responsibility of Yorkshire Water, and in Escrick is quite a complex network of gravity sewers, syphon sewers, pumped (rising) sewers and underground storm tanks. Unfortunately much of the network is combined sewers (waste water and surface water) and therefore prone to getting overloaded in periods of heavy rainfall.
Yorkshire Water have identified two issues which have caused, or at least contributed to recent flooding:
- A fat blockage in one of the main sewers which has now been cleared
- A failed pump in one of the pumping stations, which is in the process of being repaired
Escrick Parish Council to develop a Neighbourhood Development Plan
published on 13th Sep 2017
Escrick Parish Council has decided to produce a Neighbourhood Development Plan.
Selby District Council as the local planning authority have opened a consultation on the application.
Please see our dedicated Neighbourhood Development Plan page for more details.
Parish Magazine update - September 2017
published on 1st Sep 2017 (updated on 7th Oct 2017)
The following update will appear in September's Parish Magazine
Parish Councillor vacancy: We still have a vacancy for a Parish Councillor - if anyone is interested, or would like to learn more about the role, please contact the Chair or Clerk (details below).
A19 safety: Cllr Musgrave (County Councillor) reported that he had had several meetings with highways, and that the preferred solution would be to install traffic lights at the Skipwith Rd/A19 junction - the key issue is finding funding for the scheme.
Quarry proposal: The Parish Council have accepted an invite for a site visit to Plasmor to understand more about their plans for the proposed site west of the A19.
Village maintenance: A dog waste bin has been installed on the footpath by the beck on Skipwith Road. Following the success of the “Spring Clean” earlier in the year, the PC will coordinate an “Autumn Clean” on Saturday 11th November in the afternoon. Hold the date, more details next month - many volunteers welcomed!
Selby bypass closure 2017
published on 3rd Aug 2017
Work on the final phase of the reconstruction of Selby bypass is due to start next Wednesday. This will complete a three-phase scheme by North Yorkshire County Council carried out over the past three years to ensure the town has the bypass it needs to support its economic future.
Work is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, 9 August. The anticipated completion date is 13 October. NYCC will look at the possibility of extended working, such as night working, to shorten the timescale.
Advanced notice signs will advise motorists of the area of closure, and the diversion routes around the works will be clearly signed.
For more information please visit .
Parish Magazine update - August 2017
published on 1st Aug 2017 (updated on 7th Oct 2017)
The following update will appear in August's Parish Magazine
Parish Councillor vacancy: We have a vacancy for a Parish Councillor - if anyone is interested, or would like to learn more about the role, please contact the Chair or Clerk (details below).
A19 safety: NYCC have surveyed the location to evaluate installation of a puffin crossing, but advise that there is insufficient distance from the junction. The County Councillor is exploring options with the highways team and will report back to us.
Pavements: Residents are reminded to try to keep pavements clear for pedestrians, wheelchairs users and parents with pushchairs. In particular please avoid parking on pavements, please try to keep hedges trimmed, and please place bins/recycling crates to minimise obstruction.
Excavation of clay: The Parish Council would like to make residents aware of a recent planning application to expand clay mining west of the A19, and build a new access road to the B1222. The Parish Council will be objecting to the proposal ( )
Street lighting: The Parish Council has ordered an additional light for each of Main St and Carr Lane to address dark spots reported by residents. Plans for a streetlight on the A19 by the business park are being reviewed, as the business park and its tenants were unwilling to cover the cost of installing a light at this location. One of the street lamps on Skipwith Road will be temporarily out of service to allow for changes to the electricity supply.
Village maintenance: The Parish Council agreed to put on hold plans to recruit a “lengthsman", as recent voluntary initiatives have been quite successful. The Parish Council has agreed to procure a dog waste bin for the footpath alongside the beck, which the Escrick Estate have kindly offered to empty. Plans for tree maintenance will be brought to September’s meeting. The Parish Council expresses its gratitude to the group of residents that have kindly taken on the planting and maintaining of flowers by the village signs.
Neighbourhood development plan: Preparatory work is ongoing, and work is expected to begin in earnest on this in the Autumn.
Cawood bridge closure
published on 21st Jul 2017
Please be reminded that Cawood Bridge will be closing on Monday 24 July and will re-open on 2 September. This is part of the 17 week North Yorkshire County Council project to strengthen the bridge. Visit for more information.
Minerals and Waste Joint Plan – consultation upon Proposed Changes to the Publication Draft Plan
published on 21st Jul 2017 (updated on 22nd Jul 2017)
From North Yorkshire County Council:
North Yorkshire County Council, City of York Council and the North York Moors National Park Authority are working together to produce a Minerals and Waste Joint Plan covering all three planning authority areas. When finalised the new Joint Plan will help the three authorities take decisions on planning applications for minerals and waste development up to 31 December 2030. A number of public consultations have already taken place to help develop the new Plan, including a ‘Preferred Options’ consultation in 2015 and a Publication Draft Plan in November 2016.
Following the consideration of the representations received regarding the Publication Draft Plan a number of Proposed Changes have been identified. As a result, these changes are being presented for representations relating to legal compliance and soundness.
The period for representations commences on Wednesday 12th July 2017 and will close on Wednesday 6th September 2017. All responses must be received by 5pm on 6th September 2017.
The Addendum of Proposed Changes and supporting documents are available to view on the Joint Plan
From Escrick Parish Council:
We appreciate that there is some local confusion regarding the various plans, consultations, and planning applications. To help put this in context - in summary:
- Minerals and waste plan: North Yorkshire County Council, City of York Council and the North York Moors National Park Authority are working together to produce a Minerals and Waste Joint Plan covering all three planning authority areas. When finalised the new Joint Plan will help the three authorities take decisions on planning applications for minerals and waste development up to 31 December 2030. This plan doesn't grant planning permission for any sites - it sets part of the framework for planning applications to be evaluated against. See our Minerals and Waste Plan page for details and our previous responses.
- North Selby Mine site: This site features in the Minerals and Waste Plan and already has planning permission - see our archives for details.
- Plasmor application for extraction of clay west of A19: Plasmor recently submitted a request for an 'Environmental Impact Assessment' for clay mining west of the A19, and a new link road to Stillingfleet Road - similar to the potential site identified in the Minerals and Waste plan. This is not a planning application itself, but it a step that usually precedes a planning application. The Parish Council intends to be ready to respond when a planning application is submitted.
- Waste sorting centre at former Stillingfleet Mine: A planning application has been submitted to NYCC to convert part of the former Stillingfleet Mine site into a waste sorting centre - the Parish Council has submitted objections to this application. The application was due to be considered by NYCC's planning committee in July, but was deferred at the request of the applicant.
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