Notices - 2017
Parish Magazine Update - February 2017
published on 11th Jan 2017 (updated on 26th Jan 2017)
The following update will appear in February's Parish Magazine on behalf of the Parish Council:
Parish Councillors: The Parish Council welcomes Mervin Casling, Tudor Rees and Kevin Moran, who were co-opted as Councillors at December's meeting - taking us back up to a full complement of eleven Councillors.
A19 safety: The Parish Council wrote to North Yorkshire Council in November, and received a reply in mid-December. The reply states that the 40mph limit is appropriate, but offers a follow-up meeting to discuss alternative ways to improve safety, which the Parish Council will take-up. Separately, the Community Speed Watch group is now established and has received training and equipment, and should start monitoring speeds on the A19 later in January. More details at:
Survey & Budget 2017/18: We received just over 60 survey responses to the survey, of these, 78% said they would support paying an increased precept in exchange for additional facilities/amenities. Frequent themes raised in comments were street lighting, road safety, bus service provision and tidiness and presentation of the village.
The Parish Council has set its precept for 2017/18 at £19,000 - which includes an increase to add additional street-lighting, maintain Parish Council trees, a provision for general village maintenance or lengthsman, and implement audit recommendations to replenish reserves. More details, including full budget, at:
North Yorkshire Mineral & Waste plan: The Parish Council has provided a comprehensive response to the consultation regarding sites affecting the Escrick Parish:
Grit bins: Highways have approved the proposed locations (outside Almshouses, Main St/Carr Lane junction and Carr Lane/The Glade junction), and hopefully these should be in place later in January.
Parish Council Meeting dates: Monday 6th February, 6th March, 3rd April, 8th May. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.
Council Tax Consultations
published on 6th Jan 2017
Selby District Council Budget Consultation
Selby District Council is inviting comments on its proposed budget. Your comments will help to guide Selby District Council decisions to ensure we deliver our services while balancing our budget.
In preparing the budget we started with the priorities you’d previously identified. More details about these priorities are set out in our Corporate Plan. Our budget invests in the key priorities for the district and the Council, such as jobs growth and housing. We’re also looking at transforming services – this means delivering them in a better way at a lower cost as well as charging for discretionary services. This way we can protect frontline services and save money.
North Yorkshire Police Budget Consultation
55% of North Yorkshire Police’s funding comes from the Government. But the remaining 45 % is raised locally and is paid for by you, through your council tax.
It is this local funding – called the ‘police precept’ – that Julia Mulligan, Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire, wants to hear your views on.
The deadline for comments is 11 January 2017.
The options you can choose from are:
- Freeze the precept. Meaning no more to pay locally, but harder for the police to deliver services and balance the books.
- Increase the precept by 1.99 % in order to raise just over £1.2 million for next year and subsequent years, but avoid a costly local referendum. This would mean the average household paying 8p a week more.
- Put the precept up by more than 1.99 % which could raise more money, but will mean at least £700,000 spent on a referendum on the proposals.
Tell Julia what you think and find out how much you are currently paying and what an increase of 1.99 % would mean to you at
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