Notices - Parish Magazine notices from Parish Council
Parish Magazine Update - May 2022
published on 30th Apr 2022
The following update appears in May 2022 Parish Magazine:
Escrick Parish Council Update
Bus stops: Installation of an additional streetlight opposite the Sang Thai to improve lighting for bus stop users is underway.
Highways: Most dropped kerbs have been installed, with just the junction of Carr Lane and Skipwith Road outstanding. The road markings for the village gateway are also outstanding. The highways authority are being regularly reminded about both.
Shop: A working group is continuing to develop proposals for a shop in the village.
Post office: Plans to pilot a mobile Post Office in the village hall once per week have been agreed, with the service expected to commence within a few months.
Black Bull public house: The Black Bull is currently for sale. The Parish Council has been approached by a resident encouraging the Council to consider facilitating the purchase of the Black Bull as a community asset. The Parish Council discussed the concept, and agreed that the most preferable outcome would be for an experienced landlord to acquire the pub and run it commercially. However, if a buyer is not forthcoming then the Parish Council should seek to initiate a community group to explore the designation as a community asset and purchase of the pub on behalf of the community. The Parish Council will approach the vendor to establish the status of the sale process, and if applicable call a community meeting to discuss further.
Grass cutting: The Parish Council arranges the grass cutting of the village green, playing fields, and verges within the 30/40mph areas of the village (other verges are cut by North Yorkshire County Council). These areas are cut approximately fortnightly from April to October by the Council’s contractor. Some residents cut the verges outside their own properties, for which the Council is very grateful. The Council has been asked to consider various changes to its cutting arrangements, including (i) not cutting grass until the end of May to promote wildflower growth; (ii) collecting grass cuttings to improve appearance; (iii) banning the contractors from using strimmers. The Council considered these suggestions but felt that current arrangements were appropriate. There is scope to look at more rewilding in future, and an indeed a new wildflower strip is currently being established on the village green.
Hedges and pavements: We are reaching the time of year where hedgerows grow again. The Highways Act 1980 creates a legal obligation for the owner or occupier of a property to ensure that the road and pavement adjacent to their property is not obstructed by vegetation from their property. Whilst we recognise that significant hedge cutting is best undertaken outside of the bird nesting season, it is not illegal to trim hedges at any time of the year, providing you do not disturb nesting birds. We would encourage residents to keep hedges adjacent to pavements and junctions trimmed so that they do not cause an obstruction. Complaints about hedges impeding roads or pavements can be raised with the highways authority on their website at
Playing fields: As the playing field is now being regularly used by a local under 9s football club, the Council has agreed to have the pitch rolled to improve the surface.
Planning - NDP: Consultation on Escrick’s Neighbourhood Development Plan concluded on 4th April and Selby District Council has appointed an independent examiner to review the plan. This is expected to take 2 – 3 weeks. Following the completion of the examination there will then be a public referendum for adoption of the plan.
Jubilee celebrations: Various activities are being coordinated by groups in the village for the Jubilee long-weekend, in addition to a Jubilee garden initiative. Details will be published directly by those organising these. The Parish Council has agreed to take on the lease for the land to be used for the Jubilee Garden, and has successfully obtained various grants on behalf of the volunteers. The Parish Council has agreed to hire portable toilets for the village green for the duration of the events.
Councillors: Cllrs Chamber, Cunningham, Hawes, Hopkinson and Rees have been nominated for May’s election, and will be elected uncontested as there are fewer candidates than vacancies. Cllrs Coulson, Reader and Rowson did not stand for re-election. There are now six vacancies for Parish Councillors. Anyone interested in the role should contact the clerk. I’d like to thank Lilian Coulson and John Reader who are also stepping down at this point. Since joining the Council in 2008 Lilian has brought a passion for planning, and for many years has chaired the Council’s Planning Working Group. In this role she has scrutinised and responded to hundreds of planning applications, plus other policy documents, with a professional rigor that is rare for Parish Councils. John has had several tenures as a Parish Councillor spanning three decades, and in recent years has been our Vice-Chairman. He’s not only brought great experience and local knowledge, but is invariably one of the first to volunteer when practical help is needed.
Parish Council meeting dates: Next meeting 9th May. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick and Deighton Club. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website:
From the chair: This is my final update for the Parish Magazine, as my tenure as a Parish Councillor comes to an end at the start of May. Chairing the Council has been a much more varied (and time consuming!) role than I expected, and a great lesson in the variety of different views and priorities held by different residents. A new chair will be elected at May’s meeting, and I wish them every success with the role. Thank you to everyone who has supported me during my tenure in the role. Richard Rowson
Parish Magazine Update - April 2022
published on 2nd Apr 2022
The following update appears in April 2022 Parish Magazine
Escrick Parish Council Update
Bus stops: We are waiting for City of York Council to confirm installation timescales for an additional streetlight opposite the Sang Thai to improve lighting on the way to, and at, the bus stops.
Highways: Dropped kerbs are in the process of being installed at many of the junctions in the village to aid wheelchair and pushchair users. A ‘village gateway’ is due to be installed on Skipwith Road at the entrance to the village from the south, as a speeding mitigation measure.
Shop: A working group is continuing to develop proposals for a shop in the village. Additionally, plans are at an advanced stage to pilot a mobile Post Office in the village.
Planning - NDP: Consultation on Escrick’s Neighbourhood Development Plan concludes on 4th April. Selby District Council will then appoint an independent examiner to review the plan. If that is successful, there will then be a public referendum for adoption of the plan.
Planning – Local Plan: The next stage of consultation on Selby District Council’s local plan has been deferred until the summer due to the elections in May. This stage of consultation is expected to include a recommendation as to whether or not to proceed with the proposed Heronby new settlement.
Planning – Conservation Area Review: Selby District Council’s ‘Conservation Area Review’ is expected to be approved in April. This proposes to withdraw the Permitted Development Rights of householders to alter, replace or remove, doors, windows, boundary walls and roofs for all properties within the Conservation Area.
Jubilee celebrations: Various activities are being coordinated by groups in the village for the Jubilee long-weekend, in addition to a Jubilee garden initiative. Details will be published directly by those organising these. The Parish Council has agreed to take on the lease for the land to be used for the Jubilee Garden, and to apply for various grants on behalf of the volunteers.
Council changes and elections: As residents may be aware, Central Government has decided that the current three-tier structure of County, District and Parish Councils is to be replaced with a new two-tier structure. There will be a new ‘North Yorkshire Council’, where Escrick will become part of a new ‘Cawood and Escrick’ division, and new Parish Councils will be elected with existing boundaries. Elections will be held in May for both the new unitary authority and Parish Council. There will then be a transition year whilst the new authority gets ready to take over from 1st April 2023. More: Anyone wishing to stand as a Councillor for either authority must have their nominations submitted to Selby District Council by 5th April:
Parish Council meeting dates: 4th April and 9th May. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick and Deighton Club. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website:
Parish Magazine Update - March 2022
published on 2nd Mar 2022
The following update appears in March 2022 Parish Magazine
Escrick Parish Council Update
Bus stops: We are waiting for City of York Council to confirm installation timescales for an additional streetlight opposite the Sang Thai to improve lighting on the way to, and at, the bus stops. City of York Council have advised that they are unable to provide a bin for the southbound bus stop. City of York Council have advised that the bus stops will not be added to the York fares zone, as the majority of users of the stops are not residents of the City of York Council area.
Highways: Dropped kerbs are in the process of being installed at many of the junctions in the village to aid wheelchair and pushchair users. A ‘village gateway’ is due to be installed on Skipwith Road at the entrance to the village from the south, as a speeding mitigation measure.
Neighbourhood Development Plan: Prior to the independent examination, Selby District Council as the Local Planning Authority is inviting comments on the submission draft Escrick Neighbourhood Development Plan from 21 February - 4 April 2022. See for more details.
Shop: A working group is continuing to develop proposals for a shop in the village.
Jubilee celebrations: Various activities are being coordinated by groups in the village for the Jubilee long-weekend, in addition to a Jubilee garden initiative. Details will be published directly by those organising these.
Solar farm: The Parish Council received a presentation from IPV Flexjen Ltd regarding their plans for a solar farm to the southeast of the village. Details of the proposals are on Selby District Council’s planning portal:
Escrick 10k: The Escrick 10k for 2022 has been cancelled due to lack of volunteers to take on key roles in the organising committee.
Councillors: Nigel Bartle has sadly stood down from the Council. The Council is very grateful for his contributions over the past three years. We now have three vacancies for Parish Councillors. Please contact the clerk or chair if you are interested in getting involved.
Parish Council meeting dates: 7th March, 4th April and 9th May. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick and Deighton Club. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website:
Parish Magazine Update - January 2022
published on 2nd Jan 2022
The following update appears in January 2022's Parish Magazine
Escrick Parish Council Update
Bus stops: We are waiting for City of York Council to confirm installation timescales for an additional streetlight opposite the Sang Thai to improve lighting on the way to, and at, the bus stops.
- At the time of writing, one dropped kerb has been installed. The remaining dropped kerbs and the village gateway on Skipwith Road have both been delayed due to North Yorkshire County Council having supply chain issues.
- The Parish Council has been made aware of concerns about the condition of the pavement on Wenlock Drive. These have been passed to Selby District Council (responsible for sweeping/cleaning) and North Yorkshire County Council (responsible for maintenance). In the meantime, if any public spirited residents wish to sweep the areas near their property we would be very grateful.
Councillors: We have two vacancies for Parish Councillors. Please contact the clerk or chair if you are interested in getting involved.
Get involved! We’re still looking for volunteers in several areas:
- Playground: Some of the equipment in the playground is approaching end of life. We’re looking for volunteers to join the playing fields association to develop plans for replacing the aging equipment, and pursue funding opportunities such as grant funding, donations and fund-raising.
- Escrick 10k: We’re looking for someone to chair the organising committee. This run raises £5k - £7k each year for the playground and other local causes. A full handover will be given. An established event plan is in place, and an experienced committee, including race director, is in place .
If you are interested in getting involved in any of the above, please contact
Parish Council meeting dates: 10th January, 7th February and 7th March. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick and Deighton Club. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website:
Parish Magazine Update - Dec 2021
published on 1st Dec 2021
The following update appears in December 2021's parish magazine:
Escrick Parish Council Update
Bus stops: The Parish Council has agreed to fund an additional streetlight opposite the Sang Thai to improve lighting on the way to, and at, the bus stops.
- Dropped kerbs and the village gateway on Skipwith Road have both been delayed due to North Yorkshire County Council having supply chain issues.
- NYCC are no longer progressing with 20mph zones near schools due to budget pressures.
- NYCC have given notice to the Parsonage regarding the overgrown vegetation on the A19. If this is not cut back shortly, NYCC will undertake the work themselves and recover the costs.
- Residents are reminded that highways concerns, such as overgrown foliage, blocked drains or road condition can be reported directly to NYCC via their website.
Jubilee 2022: Representatives of various groups across the village have got together to discuss potential events over the long Jubilee weekend. An outline plan has been agreed, with different groups leading on different aspects of it.
Shop: The working group is continuing to develop options and work through potential issues.
Councillors: We have two vacancies for Parish Councillors. Please contact the clerk or chair if you are interested in getting involved.
Get involved! We’re still looking for volunteers in several areas:
- Playground: Some of the equipment in the playground is approaching end of life. We’re looking for volunteers to join the playing fields association to develop plans for replacing the aging equipment, and pursue funding opportunities such as grant funding, donations and fund-raising.
- Escrick 10k: We’re looking for someone to chair the organising committee. This run raises £5k - £7k each year for the playground and other local causes. A full handover will be given. An established event plan is in place, and an experienced committee, including race director, is in place .
If you are interested in getting involved in any of the above, please contact
Parish Council meeting dates: 6th December, 10th January and 7th February. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick and Deighton Club. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website:
Parish magazine update - November 2021
published on 8th Nov 2021
The following update appears in November's Parish magazine
Escrick Parish Council Update
Get involved! We’re looking for volunteers in several areas:
- Platinum Jubilee Celebrations: We are looking to form a group to organise Platinum Jubilee celebrations in the village (2nd – 5th June 2022). Escrick has held a range of events for previous Jubilees, and we’re hoping to keep up that tradition.
- Playground: Some of the equipment in the playground is approaching end of life. We’re looking for volunteers to join the playing fields association to develop plans for replacing the aging equipment, and pursue funding opportunities such as grant funding, donations and fund-raising.
- Escrick 10k: We’re looking for someone to chair the organising committee. This run raises £5k - £7k each year for the playground and other local causes. A full handover will be given. An established event plan is in place, and an experienced committee, including race director, is in place .
If you are interested in getting involved in any of the above, please contact
Bus stops: Bins, southbound bus shelter, and improved lighting are all still being progressed with City of York Council.
Highways: Dropped kerbs and village gateway have both been delayed due to North Yorkshire County Council having supply chain issues. Cllr Chambers met with highways to discuss potential improvements to pedestrian safety along the A19, albeit it appears unlikely that any options will be feasible.
Shop: The working group is continuing to develop options and work through potential issues.
Councillors: We have two vacancies for Parish Councillors. Please contact the clerk or chair if you are interested in getting involved.
Parish Council meeting dates: 1st November, 6th December and 3rd January . All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick and Deighton Club. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website:
Parish Magazine Update - October 2021
published on 30th Sep 2021 (updated on 3rd Oct 2021)
Escrick Parish Council Update
Bus shelter: By the time this is published, bins should have been installed at the new bus stops. Parish Councillors also agreed to fund a southbound bus shelter (with perch bench) and improved street lighting on the route to the bus stops. City of York Council are still pursuing the inclusion of the bus stops within the City of York fares zone.
Highways: Dropped kerbs have been ordered for various junctions in the village to ease movement for wheelchair users amongst others, but have been delayed due to NYCC facing supply chain issues. Plans for a 20mph zone on Carr Lane, and ‘village gateway’ on Skipwith Road are still in progress. We have now received the design for the ‘village gateway’.
Maintenance: The Council has agreed to remove one of the birch trees from the Coronation Monument. This is due to its deteriorating condition and based on arborist advice. The yew will also be pruned to establish a more appropriate sized hedge, albeit it might look a bit bare whilst it regrows.
Councillors: We have two vacancies for Parish Councillors. Please contact the clerk or chair if you are interested in getting involved.
Parish Council meeting dates: 4th October, 1st November, and 6th December . All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick and Deighton Club. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website:
Parish Magazine Update - September 2021
published on 31st Aug 2021 (updated on 3rd Oct 2021)
There was no update in September 2021's magazine
Parish Magazine Update - August 2021
published on 31st Jul 2021 (updated on 3rd Oct 2021)
Escrick Parish Council Update
Neighbourhood Plan: Thank you to everyone who took time to provide feedback on the pre-submission draft of Escrick’s Neighbourhood Plan (NDP). The team will now finalise the documents, before submission to Selby District Council to commence the formal adoption process.
Local Plan: Further to the consultation earlier in the year, Selby District Council are holding a consultation on additional development sites from 2 August and 13 September 2021. None of the proposed additional sites are within Escrick Parish. The consultation will be online at from 2nd August.
Bus shelter: Parish Councillors discussed the need for a southbound bus shelter (with seating) and improved street lighting on the route to the bus stops. Costs are being explored with the aim of making a decision at September’s meeting. At the time of writing, City of York Council are still pursuing the installation of bins, and seeking the inclusion of the bus stops within the City of York fares zone.
Highways: Dropped kerbs have been ordered for various junctions in the village to ease movement for wheelchair users amongst others. Plans for a 20mph zone on Carr Lane, and ‘village gateway’ on Skipwith Road are still in progress, having been delayed whilst North Yorkshire County Council change contractors. A decision of further traffic calming for Skipwith Road, through use of ‘build outs’, will be made later in the year.
Village appearance: Thank you to everyone who has made efforts with flower planting and general tidying of the village – many people have commented favourably.
Playground: We’ve been asked to warn users of the playground of the hazards of mole hills and rabbit scrapes. Work is undertaken from time to time to repair the damage, and Wheldrake Junior Football Club are undertaking improvements to the pitch ahead of next season. However, rabbit scrapes and mole hills can appear at any time, so users are asked to take care and check for trip hazards before using the facility.
Shop: A key area of feedback from previous NDP consultations was the desire of many residents for a shop in the village to replace the general store/post office that closed in 2014. The Parish Council has established a small working group, which is exploring options. This has included consulting with a community run shop in Bishop Wilton, commercial operators such as ‘Pickled at Riccall’ and liaising with land owners for potential locations.
Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations 2022: Various suggestions have been put forward as to how the village might commemorate the occasion, including events, mementos or even establishing a community garden as a lasting legacy. The Parish Council will seek to coordinate through existing groups and volunteers.
Councillors: We have two vacancies for Parish Councillors. Please contact the clerk or chair if you are interested in getting involved.
Parish Council meeting dates: 6th September, 4th October, and 1st November (no meeting in August). All meetings at 7.30pm, please check website/noticeboard for venue. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website:
Parish Magazine Update - July 2021
published on 30th Jun 2021
The following update appearing in July 2021 Parish Magazine:
Escrick Parish Council Update
Neighbourhood Plan:
The Neighbourhood Plan working group are seeking residents’ views on the pre-submission draft of Escrick’s Neighbourhood Plan (NDP).
As the culmination of nearly 4 years work by the team and external consultants, the NDP sets out the planning vision for our local community through to 2035. It is the most local part of the planning hierarchy. When adopted, the NDP forms statutory guidance to District and County planning officers when making local planning decisions. It sits alongside Selby District Council's 'Local Plan' and National Government planning policy and targets.
See (responses by 18th July 2021)
Conservation Area:
Selby District Council Planning Policy Team is running a public consultation on its Draft Conservation Area Appraisals for the parish. The draft appraisals identify the features which make a positive or negative contribution to the special character of the conservation area. The document also provides recommendations for future enhancement.
The consultation runs for 6 weeks from Friday 18th June to Friday 30th July. See
‘Pull a stalk whilst you walk’
Himalayan Balsam is an invasive species that has established itself in Gassy Woods. It needs active management to prevent it spreading further, and eclipsing other species.
If you are able to help by pulling up, even with just a little whilst walking in the woods, it would be greatly appreciated. See posters in the woods for details.
Councillors: We have two vacancies for Parish Councillors. Please contact the clerk or chair if you are interested in getting involved.
Parish Council meeting dates: 5th July, 6th September, and 4th October (no meeting in August). All meetings at 7.30pm, please check website/noticeboard for venue. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website:
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