Notices - 2017
Eastern Community Engagement Forum
published on 1st Mar 2017
Night time closure of Barlby Roundabout on Thursday 2nd March and Friday 3rd March
published on 26th Feb 2017
On the nights of Thursday 2nd March and Friday 3rd March from 8pm to 6am the roads connected by the new Barlby Roundabout will be closed. This is required to install the remaining 2 drainage crossings safely.
This includes the A19 in both directions, Market Weighton Road and York Road at the junction with the A19.
Due to the restriction of heavy goods vehicles on local roads, HGVs will be diverted via the M62, M1 and A64. Other vehicles will be diverted via local roads. The diversion route includes Skipwith Road in Escrick.
Night time closures will continue the following week to complete the surfacing and road markings.
Parish Magazine update - March 2017
published on 10th Feb 2017
The following update will appear in March's Parish Magazine:
A19 safety: The Community Speed Watch Group is now active, and has undertaken several speed monitoring sessions. Initial results suggest that it is having at least a short-term impact at slowing the speed of passing vehicles. The Parish Council is very grateful to the volunteers involved. The Parish Council is still seeking a meeting with NYCC to request improvements to pedestrian crossing facilities.
Grit bins: These have been installed (and kindly filled by a local volunteer) and are available for residents to use on highways and pavements.
Pollution in the beck: The Parish Council received a complaint about potential pollution in the beck - however by the time the Parish Council was able to attend the reported pollution had gone. Pollution concerns should be reported to the Environment Agency on their 24 hour helpline - 0800 80 70 60. They can make a more timely response, and are responsible for any subsequent investigation. (For reference a list of agencies responsible for services/amenities in Escrick is available on the Parish Council website:
Business park street lighting: In response to requests from workers at the business park, the council has approached the business park to establish if it (or its tenants) would fund additional street lighting by the bus stop, which the Parish Council would subsequently adopt.
Battle's over - a nations tribute to WWI on 11th November 2018: The Parish Council has expressed an interest in taking part in this national beacon lighting event to commemorate the end of WWI.
Parish Council Meeting dates: Monday 6th March, 3rd April, 8th May, 5th June. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.
Contact: Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:
Beck potential pollution reported
published on 9th Feb 2017
The Parish Council has received a complaint about potential pollution in the beck - however by the time the Parish Council was able to attend the reported pollution had gone.
Pollution concerns should be reported to the Environment Agency on their 24 hour helpline - 0800 80 70 60.
They can make a more timely response, and are responsible for any subsequent investigation.
If you are able to take photographs of the pollution and note where it appears to originate from, this may help subsequent investigations.
For reference a more general list of agencies responsible for services/amenities in Escrick is available on the Parish Council website:
North Yorkshire County Council’s Countryside Access Service consultation
published on 9th Feb 2017
North Yorkshire County Council’s Countryside Access Service is reviewing how it manages and maintains the county’s public rights of way network.
They are now formally consulting the public on a new proposed approach to prioritising management and maintenance of public rights of way within North Yorkshire, excluding those managed on their behalf by The North York Moors and Yorkshire Dales National Parks.
A set of proposal documents and a consultation questionnaire is now available on the NYCC website and will be available until 19 March 2017.
The documentation is available using the following link:
Escrick Spring Clean 2017
published on 7th Feb 2017
Saturday 4th & Sunday 5th March - 2pm - 4.30pm
More details: Invitation - Exhibition by Paul Hobbs in St Margaret's Chapel
published on 1st Feb 2017
From Wednesday 8 - Tuesday 14 February QM will be hosting an exhibition in St Margaret's Chapel by artist,Paul Hobbs, entitled 'The Heart of Things'.
The exhibition is a mixture of painting, sculpture and installation covering all manner of social and religious issues proving to be most engaging with very broad audience (aged 7 years & up). Open for a week with the artist in attendance this is a rare opportunity to talk with an artist about his work.
We would like to extend an invitation to the local community to come and view the exhibition and meet the artist.
Exhibits include work on famine, old age, fatherhood, sexuality, our capacity for violence, suffering the Beatitudes and the Trinity as well as a collection of shoes and stories from Christians around the work.
It is envisaged that the visit would last 45 - 60 minutes and would be suitable for a group numbering up to 20 people - multiple groups may, however, be booked.
If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity please contact Alison Ruddick ( with a couple of dates/times when it would be convenient for your group and we will then confirm a time back to you.
If you would like further information on the artist please visit
Parish Nurses
published on 26th Jan 2017
Please see attached information about the Parish Nursing scheme launched locally in June 2016.
Community Speed Watch
published on 16th Jan 2017
A community speed watch scheme has been established in Escrick, specifically targeting the A19.
This is a police sponsored scheme where the police have provided local volunteers with speed measuring equipment and training to undertake speed monitoring at pre-agreed locations.
The aim is primarily to prompt driver awareness of their speed.
Additional volunteers are welcomed to join the group - please contact for more details.
nb: Community Speed Watch can only take place on areas of 30mph and 40mph road, therefore is limited to the village itself - not other areas of the A19.
More information about the scheme is available from the Community Speed Watch website.
New grit bins
published on 16th Jan 2017 (updated on 7th Jan 2018)
The Parish Council has procured three additional grit bins, located at:
- Main St / Carr Lane junction (next to the benches)
- Carr Lane / The Glade junction
- Main St, by the entrance to the village hall car park
The grit is for use on public highways and pavements (please don't take it for private drives/paths).
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