Parish Magazine update - August 2017
The following update will appear in August's Parish Magazine
Parish Councillor vacancy: We have a vacancy for a Parish Councillor - if anyone is interested, or would like to learn more about the role, please contact the Chair or Clerk (details below).
A19 safety: NYCC have surveyed the location to evaluate installation of a puffin crossing, but advise that there is insufficient distance from the junction. The County Councillor is exploring options with the highways team and will report back to us.
Pavements: Residents are reminded to try to keep pavements clear for pedestrians, wheelchairs users and parents with pushchairs. In particular please avoid parking on pavements, please try to keep hedges trimmed, and please place bins/recycling crates to minimise obstruction.
Excavation of clay: The Parish Council would like to make residents aware of a recent planning application to expand clay mining west of the A19, and build a new access road to the B1222. The Parish Council will be objecting to the proposal ( )
Street lighting: The Parish Council has ordered an additional light for each of Main St and Carr Lane to address dark spots reported by residents. Plans for a streetlight on the A19 by the business park are being reviewed, as the business park and its tenants were unwilling to cover the cost of installing a light at this location. One of the street lamps on Skipwith Road will be temporarily out of service to allow for changes to the electricity supply.
Village maintenance: The Parish Council agreed to put on hold plans to recruit a “lengthsman", as recent voluntary initiatives have been quite successful. The Parish Council has agreed to procure a dog waste bin for the footpath alongside the beck, which the Escrick Estate have kindly offered to empty. Plans for tree maintenance will be brought to September’s meeting. The Parish Council expresses its gratitude to the group of residents that have kindly taken on the planting and maintaining of flowers by the village signs.
Neighbourhood development plan: Preparatory work is ongoing, and work is expected to begin in earnest on this in the Autumn.
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