
Minerals and Waste Joint Plan – consultation upon Proposed Changes to the Publication Draft Plan

From North Yorkshire County Council:

North Yorkshire County Council, City of York Council and the North York Moors National Park Authority are working together to produce a Minerals and Waste Joint Plan covering all three planning authority areas. When finalised the new Joint Plan will help the three authorities take decisions on planning applications for minerals and waste development up to 31 December 2030. A number of public consultations have already taken place to help develop the new Plan, including a ‘Preferred Options’ consultation in 2015 and a Publication Draft Plan in November 2016.

Following the consideration of the representations received regarding the Publication Draft Plan a number of Proposed Changes have been identified. As a result, these changes are being presented for representations relating to legal compliance and soundness.

The period for representations commences on Wednesday 12th July 2017 and will close on Wednesday 6th September 2017. All responses must be received by 5pm on 6th September 2017.

The Addendum of Proposed Changes and supporting documents are available to view on the Joint Plan .

From Escrick Parish Council:

We appreciate that there is some local confusion regarding the various plans, consultations, and planning applications. To help put this in context - in summary:

  • Minerals and waste plan: North Yorkshire County Council, City of York Council and the North York Moors National Park Authority are working together to produce a Minerals and Waste Joint Plan covering all three planning authority areas. When finalised the new Joint Plan will help the three authorities take decisions on planning applications for minerals and waste development up to 31 December 2030. This plan doesn't grant planning permission for any sites - it sets part of the framework for planning applications to be evaluated against. See our Minerals and Waste Plan page for details and our previous responses.
  • North Selby Mine site: This site features in the Minerals and Waste Plan and already has planning permission - see our archives for details.
  • Plasmor application for extraction of clay west of A19: Plasmor recently submitted a request for an 'Environmental Impact Assessment' for clay mining west of the A19, and a new link road to Stillingfleet Road - similar to the potential site identified in the Minerals and Waste plan. This is not a planning application itself, but it a step that usually precedes a planning application. The Parish Council intends to be ready to respond when a planning application is submitted.
  • Waste sorting centre at former Stillingfleet Mine: A planning application has been submitted to NYCC to convert part of the former Stillingfleet Mine site into a waste sorting centre - the Parish Council has submitted objections to this application. The application was due to be considered by NYCC's planning committee in July, but was deferred at the request of the applicant.


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