Notices - 2016
A19 speed concerns
published on 25th Jun 2016
In May 2016 the Parish Council circulated a 'speed awareness form' from the North Yorkshire '95 alive' partnership to every household in the village.
Around 70 responses were received, the vast majority citing concerns with the speed of traffic on the A19. The Parish Council has submitted these along with the attached letter to the '95 alive' partnership.
Escrick Parish Council letter to North Yorkshire 95 Alive Partnership - June 2016
Marquee and club available - Sunday 18th September
published on 25th Jun 2016
On Saturday 17th September, the Escrick & Deighton Club will again be hosting the Huge band.
There will be a marquee in place outside the club for the band, and this will also be there on Sunday 18th September.
We would like to find a good community use for the marquee on the Sunday rather than simply leaving it empty. For example it had been suggested that it could be used to host a farmers' market or similar - but we're receptive to any good idea to make use of it.
If anyone would like to embrace this opportunity and coordinate a good use of this venue on Sunday 18th, please contact in the first instance.
Hedges and footpaths
published on 25th Jun 2016
We are at the time of year when trees and hedges are growing again.
The council often receives complaints about overgrown hedges and trees, particularly where these obstruct pavements, signs and street lights.
Please can we ask that residents maintain their hedges and trees so that they do not obstruct the pavements, roads, street lights nor signs.
It is usually the legal responsibility of residents to ensure that their trees/hedges do not infringe the highway or pavement. Problem hedges can be reported to North Yorks County Council via their website.
Escrick War Memorial
published on 25th Jun 2016
The council has arranged to have the war memorial (located at St Helen's Church) professionally cleaned, and has coordinated fund raising towards this work. This is expected to be completed in the next couple of months.
Any further donations from residents or local businesses will be gratefully received. Please contact if you would like to make a donation.
CPR Training and Training Kit
published on 17th Jun 2016
If the heart of someone you loved stopped beating would you know what to do?
Every year over 30,000 cardiac arrests happen outside of hospital - often witnessed by family members and friends.
Effective CPR performed immediately on someone suffering a cardiac arrest can buy time for professional help to arrive, and in some cases can help double a person's survival chances.
Escrick Parish Council has obtained a British Heart Foundation CPR training kit. The kit delivers several short DVD based training courses, along with manikins to practice upon.
We will be holding a community training session at the Village Hall on Wednesday 21st September at 7.30pm. If you are interested in attending, please email (so we have a rough idea of numbers).
The training kit is also available for other Escrick based groups to borrow and coordinate their own training. The training takes less than an hour and is suitable for anyone over 12. If you would like to discuss arranging your own training for your own group please contact Richard -
Dementia Friends Session
published on 15th Jun 2016
Monday 20th June, in Escrick Church, 7.30pm to 9pm.
Come along to a session led by Vanessa Rolfe. Learn more about what it is like to live with dementia and turn that understanding into action. Learn a little about how we can help.
Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available…. No need to book just come along.
For more information please contact Caroline on 01904 720703
A63 Selby Bypass - Carriageway Reconstruction
published on 8th Jun 2016 (updated on 21st Jun 2016)
North Yorkshire County Council will be undertaking carriageway re-construction works at the above location, between and including the A19 Brayton Roundabout, the A1041 Wishing Well Roundabout and the approaches.
The works are currently programmed to commence on 20 June 2016 and are programmed over a twelve week period, though this will be dependent on weather conditions.
Full road closures will be in operation during the works and will be permanently staffed by qualified Traffic Management Officers (TMO’s).
Daytime and night time working is planned on both the Wishing Well Roundabout and the Brayton Roundabout, which unfortunately will result in disruption. However, undertaking night time works on the two roundabouts will reduce the time taken to complete the Works.
Please note that works on the roundabouts will be sequenced to ensure that through route to and from Brayton and Selby is available from the A19 and A1041 respectively at all times. Further lane closures and road closures will be needed, which will be notified through advanced signs on site.
For further information including diversion information and to sign up for alerts please go to
North Yorkshire Community Messaging
published on 7th Jun 2016
North Yorkshire Community Messaging (NYCM) is a new community messaging system for North Yorkshire that allows you to register to receive the latest crime notifications and community news happening in the local neighbourhood.
Escrick Parish Council has recently reviewed how information about crime is disseminated in the village, and encourages residents to sign-up for NYCM.
North Yorkshire Community Messaging allows you to decide when and how you are kept informed about the issues that matter to you:
Choose your interests:
Crime and Other Police Incidents, Rural Policing, Anti-Social Behaviour, Road Safety, Neighbourhood News and Events
Choose how to receive your alerts:
Phone, email, text message or mobile app (launching soon)!
Registering for North Yorkshire Community Messaging is Safe, Secure and Easy - Just click on the link below and follow the step by step instructions. Your privacy is assured under the data protection act and will never be shared with commercial organisations
Carr Lane road closure - 9th-10th June
published on 6th Jun 2016
Please be aware that there will be a closure of Carr Lane on 9th/10th June - more details:
Newcastle - London Cycle Challenge - 20th August
published on 5th Jun 2016
The Newcastle - London Cycle Challenge will pass through Escrick on the late afternoon / early evening of Saturday 20th August.
The Sports Hall and dining area at Queen Margaret’s School will be used as a rest stop for the ~ 900 participants. Participants will access the school via the main entrance and then leave via the pedestrian entrance on Main Street.
Further details are contained in this attached letter.
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