Notices - 2016
Selby car parking strategy
published on 5th Sep 2016
From 2 September until 28 November, Selby District Council are seeking comments about the principles of the proposed new car park strategy, which considers the overall charging policy and the look and feel of their car parks.
Over 50's Festival
published on 31st Aug 2016
Please see attached notice for the Over 50's festival to be held in Selby on Friday 30th September.
Huge Escrick Family Bash 2016
published on 23rd Aug 2016
The Huge Escrick Family Bash takes place on Saturday 17th September.
Tickets available from Neil Reader - or 07887 768880
published on 15th Aug 2016
If by 1 September, 2016 (14 days after the date of this notice) a request for an election to fill said vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer, Janet Waggott, Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby YO8 9FT
by TEN electors for the said Parish, an election will be held to fill the said vacancy, otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.
If an election is called, it will take place not later than 3 November, 2016.
Dated 11 August, 2016
If by 1 September, 2016 (14 days after the date of this notice) a request for an election to fill said vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer, Janet Waggott, Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby YO8 9FT
by TEN electors for the said Parish, an election will be held to fill the said vacancy, otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.
If an election is called, it will take place not later than 3 November, 2016.
Dated 11 August, 2016
Escrick Young Farmers - Working with the community
published on 12th Jul 2016
Young Farmers from Escrick have rolled up their sleeves to help their local community, by tidying the church yard and laying a gravel pedestrian entrance to the village green. This work was carried out on 9th April and 26th June in the village of Escrick and included 10 YFC members with ages varying from 16 to 26.
The project is part of a national initiative called the "Countryside Challenge", launched by the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs (NFYFC) in March 2016. Escrick YFC successfully applied to NFYFC for funding in April 2016 as the project qualified under the national federation’s work in Youth Social Action.
Laura Graham, Chairman said: The "Countryside Challenge" has provided the club with an opportunity to help the local community to undertake projects to tidy the village and make it safer whilst also teaching how to project manage, work as a team and all whilst having fun!
In December 2015, the NFYFC received funding from the Cabinet Office and Pears Foundation to progress the work of Youth Social Action. As such, the Federation is supporting YFCs across England with their community projects by providing tools, resources and training to get them started, as well as offering an amount of enabling money. The Federation is looking to support community projects like Escrick YFC’s until the summer of 2017.
For further information about the "Countryside Challenge", please visit
Summer events at Escrick Park Estate
published on 11th Jul 2016 (updated on 13th Jul 2016)
Residents are advised that two large events will take place at the Escrick Park Estate during the summer:
- Yorkshire Pudding Rally - MAG Motorcycle Rally on 5th - 7th August.
- Field of Dreams - Volkswagen Camper van weekend on 16th - 18th September.
The Yorkshire Pudding Rally is ticket only and already sold out, however the Field of Dreams is open to day visitors.
Parish Magazine Update - August 2016
published on 11th Jul 2016
A19 safety consultation:
Last month the council submitted the Speed Awareness Forms to the North Yorkshire ’95 alive’ partnership, along with a covering letter explaining our concerns with safety on the A19.
We have received a response citing that evidence from March 2016 demonstrates that there is not a speeding problem on the A19 and that the current 40mph limit is appropriate for the road.
The Parish Council intend to seek a further discussion with North Yorkshire highways department to continue to push for safety improvements to the road. A copy of our letter and the reply are on our website:
CPR training - Wednesday 21st September:
If the heart of someone you loved stopped beating would you know what to do?
Every year over 30,000 cardiac arrests happen outside of hospital - often witnessed by family members and friends. Effective CPR performed immediately on someone suffering a cardiac arrest can buy time for professional help to arrive, and in some cases can help double a person's survival chances.
Escrick Parish Council has obtained a British Heart Foundation CPR training kit. The kit delivers several short DVD based training courses, along with manikins to practice upon.
We will be holding a community training session at the Village Hall on Wednesday 21st September at 7.30pm. If you are interested in attending, please email (so we have a rough idea of numbers).
The training kit is also available for other Escrick based groups to borrow and coordinate their own training. The training takes less than an hour and is suitable for anyone over 12. If you would like to discuss arranging your own training for your own group please contact Richard -
War memorial:
The council has arranged to have the war memorial (located at the Church) professionally cleaned, and is coordinating fund raising towards this work. To avoid delay to undertaking the work, the Parish Council has agreed to underwrite the cost of the work (about £1000). Donations from residents or local businesses towards the cost are gratefully received. Please contact or any Parish Councillor if you would like to make a donation (cheques payable to ‘Escrick Parish Council’).
Website: The website contains a wide range of information about the village and Parish Council. You can also sign-up to receive news alerts by email.
Parish Council Meeting dates for 2016: 5th September, 3rd October, 7th November, 5th December. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club.
Derwent and Minster Lions Clubs present their Summer Concert - Saturday 9th July
published on 6th Jul 2016
Derwent and Minster Lions Clubs present their Summer Concert in aid of Hearing Dogs for the Deaf.
This will be hosted in the marvellous theatre and wonderful surroundings of Queen Margaret's School, Escrick Park. Hearing Dogs for the Deaf is a local charity that relies on charitable donations for its work. Doors open at 6.30pm with a free drink and canape reception.
Local folk music due Ian and Annie Pybus start the evening inviting the audience to join them in song. The Euphonics Ladies Choir will then perform 'songs from the shows'. After the interval the Barton Town Band, a traditional British Brass Band, all the way from Lincolnshire, will perform a selection of music. Following the cheque presentation to the Hearing Dogs for the Deaf, the choir will join the band for a rousing 'Last night at the Proms' style finale - flags and bunting provided! Come and join us for a special evening. Call Brian 01904 448297 or Ken 01904 448198 for tickets.
More details:
A19 speed concerns reply
published on 6th Jul 2016
Further to the Parish Council's letter to the North Yorkshire County Council / North Yorkshire Police '95 Alive' partnership, we have received the following response:
Thank you for your report and concern regarding the speed of vehicles at the above location. With regards to the speeding complaint reported by you, speed and accident data has recently been obtained and has recently been reviewed by the Road Safety Partnership Team:-Having looked at the available information on roads safety in Escrick, we have decided unfortunately neither police enforcement nor road engineering works would be suitable. Data was gathered in March 2016 and it showed that vehicles do not often break the speed limits in your community. The speed data obtained indicates a mean (average) speed of 37/36 mph and an 85th %ile of 42/41 mph. The speed of vehicles at this location are well within the 40mph speed limit, which is appropriate for this road. We are happy to gather new data after three years, which in your instance would be March 2019.
The Parish Council intends to seek the opportunity to discuss the concerns further with NYCC, as we do not believe this initial response adequately answers the numerous points made in our letter, nor in the speed concern reports submitted.
published on 4th Jul 2016
that a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council.
If by 22 July, 2016 (14 days after the date of this notice) a request for an election to fill said vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer, Mary Weastell, Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby YO8 9FT by TEN electors for the said Parish, an election will be held to fill the said vacancy, otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.
If an election is called, it will take place not later than 26 September, 2016.
Dated 4 July, 2016
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