Notices - 2016
Escrick Church: What you never knew about Syria
published on 16th Oct 2016
Wednesday 19th October 7.30pm, In Escrick Church
The evening will start with an introduction by Rev Stephen Griffith sharing his knowledge and experiences. At about 8pm we will enjoy a Mezze style supper together, washed down by a glass of wine, and then around 8.45pm we will gather around for a question and answer session. It will be an opportunity to hear much more than we hear in the news reports.
We are suggesting a donation of £5 per person to cover food and wine, with any surplus funds being donated to a Syrian related charity of Stephen’s choice.
For Catering purposes please could you let Caroline Wandless know in advance if you are likely to come along. Tel 01904 720703. Thank you.
We do hope you can come along to what promises to be a very interesting and enjoyable evening.
Burglary Wenlock Drive
published on 11th Oct 2016
On the 10th October during the day time a property was broken into on Wenlock Drive, Escrick. If you have any information please contact NYP on 101 ref: 12160184732Parish Magazine Update - November 2016
published on 9th Oct 2016
Parish Council Vacancies: We have a number of vacancies for Parish Councillors at the moment. The Escrick Parish Council is the first tier of local government, representing residents of Escrick Parish. Parish Councillors are volunteers that help shape the actions of the Council - making decisions on how to spend the Council precept budget within the Parish, representing local interests, and overseeing various local amenities. The role requires a few hours per month of time, including attending the monthly Parish Council meeting. It’s a great way to get involved in a wide range of local issues and shape the local community.
If you are interested or simply want to learn more about it please contact either the Chair (Richard Rowson, or the Clerk (Helen Guest, More details about the role of the Parish Council can be found on our website,
A19 safety: In response to recent concerns of speeding on the A19, we have the opportunity to establish a Community Speedwatch Initiative. This is where volunteers (with the support of the Police) monitor speeds of vehicles using speed detection devices. Vehicles exceeding the speed limit are referred to the Police with the aim of educating drivers to reduce their speeds. We are seeking volunteers, including someone to take a lead role in coordinating this activity locally. If you are interested please contact
Street lights: The Council has ordered modifications to two streetlights affected by trees, so that the lamp is further away from nearby tree branches. The Council has obtained pricing for some additional lighting, details are to be include in a planned consultation which is to be circulated on the Council budget for 2017.
Grit bins: North Yorks County Council has notified the Parish Council that Carr Lane will no longer be gritted. The Parish Council has agreed to procure three grit bins for key locations to partially mitigate the change in NYCC policy.
Village Sign Planters: We have a small flower bed in front of the Escrick village sign on the A19 (outside the garage). These bedding plants have been maintained by a couple of local volunteers, to whom we are very grateful. We are looking for new volunteers for 2017 to take over this role and keep these plants tidy and water them as necessary. If you may be interested please contact
Defibrillator & CPR training: We recently held a successful CPR training event in the village.
Please remember that there is now a public access defibrillator installed on the front wall of the Escrick & Deighton Club - available for anyone to use on someone suffering cardiac arrest. No training is necessary to use the defibrillator which gives audible instructions (
We also have a full CPR training kit and training DVDs. These are available for local groups to borrow - please contact the chair if you are interested:
Parish Council Meeting dates: Monday 7th November, 5th December, 9th January, 6th February, 6th March. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.
Press Release - Heritage Lottery Fund Award for St Helen's Church, Escrick
published on 3rd Oct 2016
A Legless Knight in Escrick to be supported by National Lottery players
St Helen’s Parish Church, Escrick has received initial support* from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for their ‘Walking through the centuries with a Legless Knight’ project, it was announced today. The project aims to carry out essential conservation work, and create a heritage hub bringing to life the 800 year story of estate, church and community.
Thanks to National Lottery players, development funding of £55,400 has been awarded to help St Helen’s progress their plans to apply for a full grant at a later date.
Community involvement will be invited and encouraged with opportunities for people to get involved sharing and investigating stories, devising village trails and learning and developing new skills. The hub will also be a valuable resource for individuals, local schools and interest groups.
The building is a focal point for the local community. It was built 160 years ago and cost £26,000 funded entirely by the Thompson family who were the Estate owners, and were the forbears of the Forbes Adam family who own the estate today. St Helen’s houses a unique array of high quality monuments commemorating ten generations of the present landowning family, many commissioned from renowned European artists.
However, the oldest monument is the legless stone effigy of a thirteenth century knight thought to represent Roger de Lascelles, who was one time ‘Lord of the Manor’. Despite having lost his legs centuries ago, the effigy is acknowledged to be carved to a very high standard and the detail tells us much about the garments worn at the time and the precise date when it was carved.
Commenting on the award, Caroline Wandless, Churchwarden and Project Team Leader said:
“We’re absolutely delighted that the Heritage Lottery Fund has given us this support. It means that the building and the unique history of the community will be preserved and available for future generations. The support will ensure the building can be enjoyed by many more people and used for a wider range of activities."
Fiona Spiers, Head of Heritage Lottery Fund Yorkshire and the Humber, said:
“This project offers a fantastic opportunity to bring this wonderful church to life, through investigation and interpretation of its fascinating history alongside essential conservation work. We are delighted to have taken the first steps with the Legless Knight, and look forward to seeing the detailed proposals in due course”.
Notes to editors
About St Helen’s Church Escrick
St Helen’s Parish Church of Escrick was built in 1857 and is a Grade II * Gothic Revival building. The Architect was Francis Penrose, Surveyor of St Paul’s Cathedral and later President of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). It sits majestically at the side of the A19 half way between York and Selby. The Church is in the Derwent Deanery within the Diocese of York. The Church is available for all Parish residents for weddings, baptisms and funerals and provides a venue for concerts by local choirs who appreciate the natural acoustic of the building, art exhibitions and school visits. St Helen’s generates opportunities for people to feel part of something special, with more than 60 people involved in various volunteering activities from cutting the Churchyard grass, cleaning, helping with fund raising events, flower arranging, editing and distributing the parish magazine to name but a few. St Helen’s provides an enduring presence in the community, open to all, and offers a haven of tranquillity and stability in a busy world.
About the Heritage Lottery Fund
(Grants programme)* applications are assessed in two rounds. A first-round pass is given when HLF has endorsed outline proposals and earmarked funding. A first-round pass may also include an immediate award to fund the development of the project. Detailed proposals are then considered by HLF at second-round and as long as plans have progressed satisfactorily and according to the original proposal, an award for the project is confirmed.
Thanks to National Lottery players, we invest money to help people across the UK explore, enjoy and protect the heritage they care about - from the archaeology under our feet to the historic parks and buildings we love, from precious memories and collections to rare wildlife. @heritagelottery @HLFYandH
Further information
Caroline Wandless - Church Warden. Tel 07774 461026 or email or
Chris Mason Tel 01757 248039/07715 004346
published on 26th Sep 2016
The Closure will be in place for a period of 2 days between 4th October 2016 and 5th October 2016
The Road Closure and any associated Diversion Routes can be viewed using this URL link
The World's Biggest Coffee Morning
published on 26th Sep 2016
The World's Biggest Coffee Morning is Macmillan's biggest fundraising event for people facing cancer. We ask people all over the UK to host their own Coffee Mornings and donations on the day are made to Macmillan. Last year alone we raised £25 million and this year we are aiming to raise even more.
The first ever Coffee Morning happened way back in 1990. It was a rather small affair with a simple idea: guests would gather over coffee and donate the cost of their cuppa to Macmillan in the process. It was so effective, we did it again the next year – only this time nationally. Since then, Coffee Morning has raised over £138 million for Macmillan.
The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning is coming to Escrick - hosted by Dragonfly Consulting at their office at THE MENAGERIE site (Escrick Park Estate) on the Skipwith Road south out of Escrick (7 The Menagerie, Escrick, York, YO19 6ET).
The coffee morning will run from 1000h to 1200h this Friday 30th September - all are very welcome - and tell your friends and family!!
Parish Council Vacancies
published on 13th Sep 2016
A number of our Councillors have stood down this summer - we thank them all for their significant contribution over recent years.
As a result we have a number of Parish Councillor vacancies - if you are interested or might be interested and want to learn more about it please contact either the Chair (Richard Rowson, or the Clerk (Helen Guest,
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council.
If by 28 September, 2016 (14 days after the date of this notice) a request for an election to fill said vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer, Janet Waggott, Civic Centre,Doncaster Road, Selby YO8 9FT
by TEN electors for the said Parish, an election will be held to fill the said vacancy, otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.
If an election is called, it will take place not later than 30 November, 2016.
Dated 8 September, 2016
Escrick Curry Club
published on 11th Sep 2016
Escrick curry club launches on 7th October. If you're interested please complete this form:
Parish Magazine Update - October 2016
published on 9th Sep 2016
Parish Council Vacancies:
A number of our Councillors have stood down this summer - we thank them all for their significant contribution over recent years.
As a result we have a number of Parish Councillor vacancies - if you are interested or might be interested and want to learn more about it please contact either the Chair (Richard Rowson, or the Clerk (Helen Guest, More details about the role of the Parish Council and its councillors can be found on our website,
A19 safety consultation:
In August the Council had a site meeting with NYCC Highways to discuss issues associated with crossing/joining the A19 in Escrick.
The Council intend to continue to escalate residents’ concerns regarding the A19 through the village.
The council has submitted an application via our NYCC Councillor for ‘locality funding’ to cover the costs of maintenance of the area around the fountain on A19 / Main St.
A pair of residents have volunteered to look at the feasibility of restoring the fountain to working order as a longer term initiative.
Budget 2017/2018:
The Council has received various suggestions for potential expenditure from residents - such as grit bins, extra lighting, extra grass cutting, or donations to local groups. The Council will consult with residents and consider these as part of its annual budgeting process in November/December.
Street lights:
The replacement programme is now largely complete (three lights remaining at the time of writing).
The Council continues to receive complaints regarding trees obscuring street lighting. A reminder - it is residents’ responsibilities to maintain trees on their land so that they do not obstruct street lighting, signs and pavements.
Concerns have been raised regarding parking on pavements and verges around the village. This causes a variety of problems, including obstructing the pavement, obscuring sight lines at key junctions, damaging the grass verges and in a couple of cases damage has occurred to water pipes beneath the verge. Residents and their visitors are requested to avoid parking on pavements.
War memorial:
The cleaning of the war memorial (located at the Church) has been completed, and the memorial looks much better for it.
Council responsibilities:
We recognise that many people are not clear on the different roles of the Parish Council, Selby District Council and North Yorkshire County Council.
We have put a summary of these on the Parish Council noticeboard on Main St and on our website:
Parish Council Meeting dates for 2016: 3rd October, 7th November, 5th December. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club.
The Monday Players presents: THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST
published on 6th Sep 2016
by Oscar Wilde
The Importance of Being Earnest is the most renowned of Oscar Wilde’s comedies. It’s the story of two bachelors, John ‘Jack’ Worthing and Algernon ‘Algy’ Moncrieff, who create alter egos named Ernest to escape their tiresome lives. They attempt to win the hearts of two women who, conveniently, claim to only love men called Ernest. The pair struggle to keep up with their own stories and become tangled in a tale of deception, disguise and misadventure. The elaborate plot ridicules Victorian sensibilities with some of the best loved, and indeed bizarre, characters to be found on the modern stage.
17th, 18th and 19th November 2016 at 7.30pm
The Village Hall, Escrick
Tickets £7
Tickets available from:
Monday Players Members
01904 728303
01904 728423
Further details on the production are available on our website:
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