Notices - 2016
Burglaries in Escrick
published on 28th May 2016 (updated on 29th May 2016)
There have been at least two burglaries in Escrick in recent days.
The most recent was on Friday 27th May on Dower Chase, where a resident came downstairs to find two young men going through drawers.
Please be extra cautious and lock doors even when at home.
Please pass on this information to your neighbours.
CPR volunteers requested
published on 28th May 2016
The Parish Council has recently obtained a Community CPR training kit ( ) and is in the process of arranging a public CPR training session.
Although the training is DVD based, and can be delivered entirely by DVD - it would be preferable if someone with suitable CPR experience and training was able to attend the session to answer any questions and assist with the practical demonstration.
If anyone has suitable experience and would be willing to spare an hour or two, please can you contact Richard -
Public Access Defibrillator
published on 28th May 2016
We are pleased to announce that a Public Access Defibrillator has now been installed in Escrick - located on the front wall of the Escrick & Deighton Club.
It's there for anyone to use on someone in cardiac arrest.
Read more about it here: Escrick Public Access Defibrillator
North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Services Escape Plan
published on 13th May 2016
Last Night of the Proms - Celebration Singers
published on 18th Apr 2016
'Last Night of the Proms' style concert by the Celebration Singers - Saturday 23rd April
North Yorkshire County Council community awards 2016
published on 15th Apr 2016
North Yorkshire County Council community awards 2016 open for nominations
The 2016 North Yorkshire County Council community awards to recognise and celebrate voluntary work carried out by people and organisations countywide are now open for nominations.
The award categories are as follows:
Best community project award – the best community project award will recognise a specific community project that has resulted in real benefits for their community in 2015-16
Best community group award – the best community group award will recognise an inspirational community group that has made a positive impact on a community and/or people’s lives in 2015/16. This award is for ongoing day-to-day activity, not for a one-off project. Groups may be involved in a number of projects and activities.
Volunteer of the year – This award will recognise an inspiring individual who has made an outstanding contribution to their community through volunteering, above and beyond their normal role, in 2015-16.
Young people volunteering award – The young people volunteering award will recognise projects or activities run by an individual or group aged 11-25 in 2015-16. It will be awarded to a young person (or people) who have made a positive difference to other people’s lives (to their peers, their school or college, or their community) by volunteering their time and skills and being creative in helping to solve a problem or provide a service.
The winner of each category will be awarded £1,000 for the relevant project, group or nominated relevant local charity in the case of the volunteer awards. Two runners up in each category will receive £250.
More information and the online nominations form can be found at
Finalists will be invited to the North Yorkshire Wider Partnership Conference on the morning of Friday 21 October 2016, where the winners will be announced and presented with their awards.
Councils to carry out traffic survey
published on 14th Apr 2016
Motorists in Selby are to be asked to take part in a major survey of traffic patterns in a bid to ease congestion on the highway network.
Consultants working for North Yorkshire County Council and Selby District Council are to conduct roadside interviews with drivers during April to gather vital information about journey patterns.
They are collecting information to create a traffic model which will allow the councils to identify possible solutions to traffic congestion and to assess the potential impact on traffic of any new development.
“We want to do everything we can to support the development of Selby district and that means improving our transport infrastructure and having a traffic model in place that is fit for purpose,” said County Councillor Don Mackenzie, North Yorkshire’s Executive Member for Highways. “The information on journey patterns that we collect in this survey will be of great importance to our engineers and planners in deciding where to invest money and resources to get the outcome we all want to see – fewer jams, easier traffic flow, more pleasant driving conditions for residents and the travelling public and to support business and economic development.”
The roadside traffic surveys will begin in April, and both councils have appealed to motorists to cooperate when directed by police officers to stop and participate.
Individual surveys do not take long to complete, and while participation is voluntary, the more drivers who help provide information, the more beneficial will be the result. All information is treated in strict confidence.
Each survey site is operated in one direction, on one day only, with each interview lasting no more than three minutes. Every effort will be made to keep any delays to an absolute minimum.
Village Green Street Party
published on 13th Apr 2016
In celebration of Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th Birthday The Village Green Committee will be hosting a Street Party on the Village Green.
This will be a ticket only event with tickets on sale from the 1st April to the 31st May.
Date: Saturday 11th June 2016
Time: 5.00pm—7.00pm BBQ, followed by music, dancing, community singing and fireworks.
Tickets: Adults: £5.00 each Children 12 and under: £2.00 each. Ticket price includes your cooked BBQ meat /vegetarian option.
BYO salads, bread etc, plus your drinks.
Limited tables, seating and tents will be provided. If the event proves popular some guests may be asked to bring their own gazebo.
Afternoon Entertainment
In addition to the BBQ, the VGC are looking for a group of enthusiastic volunteers to organise an afternoon of games and races on the green.
For purchase of tickets or if you would like to help in this way, please contact:
- Mike Luscombe on 728845 or email:
- Steve Smowton on 728424 or
- Helen Pentith on email:
Tickets also available from Escrick Tea Shop Wednesdays between 2.00pm – 4.00pm and Escrick Park Estate Office Mon – Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm
Kelfield - Tour de Yorkshire
published on 22nd Mar 2016
The Tour de Yorkshire will be passing through Kelfield at about lunchtime on Friday 29 April 2016. We are planning to open the Institute to provide light snacks and parking to raise funds for the Institute.
Monday Players presents....
published on 9th Mar 2016
The Monday Players presents: ONE NIGHT TWO PLAYS...
The poignant and witty tale of 3 Yorkshire sisters who come together after the funeral of their mother. One sister wants to spend her inheritance on a patio and another would love a through-lounge. But when the whisky takes hold, old secrets float to the surface and reveal a very different past…
Membership of the local amateur drama society has dwindled to four. Time for dramatic action. There's only one thing that sells tickets these days - sex. But how will the locals react to the promise of a sizzling sex comedy?
19th, 20th and 21st May 2016 at 7.30pm
The Village Hall, Escrick
Bar opens at 7pm | Tickets £7
Tickets available from: Monday Players Members, 01904 728303, 01904 728423,
Further details on the production are available on our website:
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