CPR Training and Training Kit
If the heart of someone you loved stopped beating would you know what to do?
Every year over 30,000 cardiac arrests happen outside of hospital - often witnessed by family members and friends.
Effective CPR performed immediately on someone suffering a cardiac arrest can buy time for professional help to arrive, and in some cases can help double a person's survival chances.
Escrick Parish Council has obtained a British Heart Foundation CPR training kit. The kit delivers several short DVD based training courses, along with manikins to practice upon.
We will be holding a community training session at the Village Hall on Wednesday 21st September at 7.30pm. If you are interested in attending, please email chair@escrick.org (so we have a rough idea of numbers).
The training kit is also available for other Escrick based groups to borrow and coordinate their own training. The training takes less than an hour and is suitable for anyone over 12. If you would like to discuss arranging your own training for your own group please contact Richard - chair@escrick.org.
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