Notices - 2021
March 2021 Parish Magazine
published on 28th Feb 2021
The March 2021 edition of the Escrick Parish Magazine has been published online!
Here is the link:
New Settlement and Selby District Local plan
published on 26th Feb 2021 (updated on 27th Feb 2021)
Please do take the time to read and comment upon the District Council's consultation for a new local plan. This will set-out (amongst other things) where development will take place in the district until 2040. This is a once a decade opportunity to influence how and where development takes place in the district. Please help spread the word to those not online.
More details online:
Playground rules during Covid
published on 24th Feb 2021
I have been asked to clarify the current playground status and rules:
In line with Government guidance the playground is open with restrictions. In particular, there is a limit of 20 people (adults and children) on the site, and each piece of equipment should only be used by one household at a time.
National legislation limits mixing in outdoor settings, and states that school bubbles do not apply outside of school.
Escrick Playground COVID rules:
Our rules are based on the government COVID guidelines to playground operators, and are part of our way of demonstrating that we have mitigations in place to minimise the spread of COVID as required under Health and Safety legislation:
- A maximum of 20 people on site (adults and children combined)
- Each piece of equipment is only to be used by one household or bubble at a time
- Please clean points of contact on equipment before using (bring your own sanitising wipes or similar)
- Thoroughly wash hands before and after attending
- Do not use the site if you are required to self-isolate
- Consider your family risk profile when deciding if it is appropriate to use the facility
- No eating on site
Please can I ask for help complying with our rules, and the wider COVID regulations, to reduce the risk of having to reintroduce closures.
Consultation on £17.5m walking, cycling and public transport boost in Selby
published on 24th Feb 2021
from Selby District Council:
Consultation - Have your say on plans for £17.5 million walking, cycling and public transport boost in Selby
People are being asked to have their say on £17.5 million plans to boost walking, cycling and public transport in Selby, delivered in partnership by Selby District Council, North Yorkshire County Council and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority.
Brand new entrances to Selby train station, new public spaces linking the station to the town centre and a brand new foot and cycle bridge are included in the major new plans to transform the area around Selby train station.
The proposals include:
- Creating a new station entrance
- Creating a new public space outside the station
- A brand new walking and cycling route through Selby Park to better link the station with the Abbey and town centre
- Improvements to roads and junctions around the station
- A new route underneath Park Street bridge to link with Portholme Road (to avoid the current steep stairways)
- Building a new bus station to make links between buses and trains easier
- Opening up new station car parking
- A new cycle and footbridge over the River Ouse
The Council is asking for people to share their views on the plans, with a four week long consultation taking place between 24 February and 24 March. Find out more information about the plans and have your say at
Consultation on local council structure
published on 23rd Feb 2021
The Government is undertaking a consultation on the future structure of local councils in our area.
At the moment we have a three tier system:
- North Yorkshire County Council provides services such as highways, education and social care;
- Selby District Council provides services such as waste collection, environmental health and planning;
- Escrick Parish Council provides local amenities such as the village green, playground, grit bins and defibrillator.
Government is consulting on plans to merge District and County Councils in our area into two new 'unitary authorities' split by geography rather than roles. Two proposals have been put forward. One that splits these into York and North Yorkshire authorities, and another that follows an East / West split, (West = Harrogate, Craven, Hambleton and Richmondshire, East = Selby, York, Scarborough, Ryedale).
The consultation closes on 19th April 2021.
Selby District Local Plan consultation
published on 29th Jan 2021 (updated on 17th Feb 2021)
Preferred Options Consultation on the Selby District Local Plan: 29 January to 12 March 2021
Reminder: 3 weeks left to respond
Please see the note below from Selby District Council regarding an important consultation on the new Local Plan for Selby District.
Part of this includes an evaluation of potential sites for new housing. The consultation includes five potential sites in Escrick Parish. Four bordering on the village, which are not recommended for development, and one south of Cawood Road for a potential new settlement.
The Parish Council encourages residents to take part in the consultation. We encourage residents to submit their comments directly to Selby District Council as outlined below, but would also welcome you to additionally send comments to (by 28th February) so that the Parish Council can use local opinion to support its response.
We believe that there are also plans for a specific public meeting by one of the landowners to share further details of their proposals. We will share details of that event if/when we receive them.
From Selby District Council:
Selby District Council is holding a six week consultation from Friday 29 January until 5pm on 12 March 2021 on the Local Plan Preferred Options document.
The preparation of a new Local Plan for Selby District provides the opportunity to consider what sort of place we would like Selby to be in 2040. The plan will set out a vision and framework for future growth of the District, identifying where new housing, employment and other development will be located. The Local Plan will also set out policies which the Council will use to determine planning applications and, once adopted, will replace the Selby District Core Strategy Local Plan (2013) and those policies that have been ‘saved’ from the Selby District Local Plan (2005).
The Preferred Options consultation builds on the previous Issues and Options consultation which we undertook in early 2020, taking into account the comments made at this stage. Copies of comments received at the last consultation stage, along with the Council’s response, can be found here.
The Preferred Options document sets out preferred sites for housing and employment development, along with draft policies for guiding development. It is important to note that this is not the final stage of the plan, however it provides an indication of our preferred approach at this stage and your views and comments will be important in shaping the final document.
Due to current Covid-19 restrictions, we are hosting two virtual public meetings. The purpose of these sessions will be to provide information about the Local Plan including the proposed “preferred” sites. These sessions will also provide members of the public with a chance to ask questions.
Date | Time | Weblink |
Thursday 11 February 2021 | 6:30pm | Can be found here: |
Tuesday 16 February 2021 | 6:30pm | Can be found here: |
In addition to the Local Plan Preferred Options document, you are also invited to submit your comments on a number of supporting and evidence base documents:
- Site Assessment Methodology Consultation Draft (January 2021)
- Site Assessment Database (January 2021)
- Individual Site Profiles (January 2021)
- Map Book (January 2021)
- Interim Sustainability Appraisal Report (January 2021)
- Habitats Regulations Assessment (Reg. 18) (January 2021)
- Landscape Character Assessment (November 2019)
- Landscape Sensitivity Study (September 2019)
- Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (May 2018)
- Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (August 2020)
- Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (October 2020)
- Town Centre, Retail & Leisure Study (November 2020)
- Local Landscape Designation Review (December 2019)
- Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (October 2020)
- Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (January 2021)
- Highways Assessment (Stage 1) (January 2021)
- Spatial Strategy Paper (January 2021)
- Settlement Hierarchy Paper (January 2021)
- Strategic Countryside Gaps Update (January 2021)
To submit your comments via the consultation portal, you must have an account and be logged in using the white login icon on the top right of the page. If you have not registered with us before, you should first register here. When you choose to register by giving your name and email rather than Twitter or Facebook, you will be sent an email with a link activate your account - please click on the activation link before trying to log in. For everyone, when you've logged in and begin making your first comment, you will be prompted to confirm your contact details first.
You only need to register as an ‘Agent’ if you are a planning agent, i.e. a planning professional submitting comments on behalf of landowners and / or stakeholders.
Once you are registered on the consultation portal, you will be updated on progress as the plan goes forward.
For information on the Local Plan process and for progress on other planning policy documents, please see the Council’s webpage:
Please note that the deadline for submitting representations is 5pm on Friday 12 March 2021.
If you have any queries please contact the Planning Policy Team at or call 01757 292134.
A19 temporary lights - Fri 29 Jan 2021
published on 28th Jan 2021
Temporary traffic lights are planned for A19 in Escrick tomorrow (Friday 29th January) to repair the damage to the verge/kerb from December's road traffic collision.
Notice from internal drainage board
published on 27th Jan 2021
The notice below is published on behalf of OUSE AND DERWENT INTERNAL DRAINAGE BOARD as required by the LAND DRAINAGE ACT 1991
AS REQUIRED by the Land Drainage Act 1991, the Board gives notice as follows:
1. On the 26th January 2021 the Board made a drainage rate of 4.38p in the £ in respect of the agricultural land and agricultural buildings in their district to raise £82,828.51 of their expenditure for the year ending on the 31 March 2022.
2. Also on the 26th January 2021 the Board made a Special Levy of
- £139,631.93 on City of York Council
- £262,793.97on Selby District Council
to raise the balance of their expenditure for the same year.
Dated this 26th day of January 2021
W Symons
Clerk to the Board
Derwent House
Crockey Hill
York YO19 4SR
Parish Magazine update - February 2021
published on 27th Jan 2021
The following update appears in February's Parish Magazine:
Escrick Parish Council Update
Skipwith Road speeding: The County Council has confirmed that it will proceed with the design for a village gateway at the entrance to the village from the south.
Lorries passing through the village: The police have advised it is not feasible to stop and check vehicles for compliance with the weight restrictions through the village. The majority of Councillors felt this wasn’t a satisfactory answer, and have asked the police to reconsider their position.
Accident damage to verge: The County Council has confirmed it will repair the verge, kerbstones and hydrant damaged in the accident in early December, but cannot confirm timescales for the work.
Bus stop:
The Parish Council has agreed to co-fund a bus shelter with City of York Council, which has been ordered. A quote for a streetlight is being prepared with the intention of having a light to cover both bus stops.
Selby District Council is expected to start a consultation on 29th January on its new ‘local plan’. This is a plan that sets out a vision and framework for future growth of Selby district, identifying where new housing, employment and other development could take place. Several sites have been submitted for consideration within Escrick Parish. Please see the Parish Council website for more details once the consultation has been published:
Vacancies: We have three vacancies for Parish Councillors. Please contact the clerk or chair if you are interested in getting involved.
Parish Council meeting dates: 1st February, 1st March and 12th April. All meetings at 7.30pm online. Public welcome. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website:
February 2021 Parish Magazine
published on 27th Jan 2021
The February 2021 edition of the Escrick Parish Magazine has been published online!
Here is the link:
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