Notices - 2021
Parish Magazine Update - June 2021
published on 1st Jun 2021
The following update appears in June 2021 Parish Magazine:
Escrick Parish Council Update
Bus stop: The provision of bins has been agreed by City of York Council.
Planning: The District Council has advised that they expect to do a further round of consultation on the local plan in the late summer/early Autumn. This is expected to include some additional sites put forward since the consultation in March, and may include an emerging preference on the new settlement proposals.
Highways: The Parish Council has received another complaint about parking associated with the primary school. It was agreed to pass this to the primary school for now, but when Covid restriction have ended to explore whether there are more proactive steps that can be taken.
Shop: The desire for a Post Office and/or shop in the village was a key theme from the Neighbourhood Plan surveys. Cllr Hawes has agreed to develop proposals as how the Parish Council might support this ambition, including looking at community shop schemes operated in other villages.
Maintenance: Cllr Chambers has painted the wooden posts at the Jubilee memorial, and replanted the planters in front of the village signs. The bushes overhanging the coronation memorial are to be trimmed back to allow the area to be tidied.
Council: The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council was held on 4th May. The annual governance and account statements were approved. Cllr Rowson and Cllr Reader agreed to continue as Chair and Vice-Chair for a further year to allow others to prepare to take-on these roles.
Parish Council meeting dates: Councillors agreed to cancel June’s meeting. Assuming no major changes to easing of Covid restrictions the Council will return to physical meetings from July. Future meeting dates: 5th July, 6th September and 4th October. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website:
June 2021 Parish Magazine
published on 31st May 2021
The June edition of the Escrick Parish Magazine has been published online!
Here is the link:
Break-in, Woodlands, Sunday 23rd May
published on 23rd May 2021
From North Yorkshire Police:
At 1355hrs today we received a call from a resident of a property in the Woodlands area of Escrick who had just disturbed a male who had broken in to their property having smashed glass in the conservatory.
He is described as average height, slim build, wearing a black polo neck jumper, black jeans, black cotton hat and black mask.
He made off on foot running towards Skipwith Road
If you have any CCTV or information please contact us on 101 ref 12210123673
Coming Out of COVID - Selby District Survey
published on 10th May 2021
COVID has had a significant impact on so many people, families, communities, and organisations. Funding from North Yorkshire County Council is enabling us to conduct this survey.
The results of this survey will be collated and shared across community partnerships to help shape services and direct resources to where they are most needed. To complete the survey -
- You can complete a paper-based survey
- Contact Selby District AVS on 01757 291111 for a staff member to complete the survey with you
- Use the following link
- Use the QR code
Selby District AVS will hold the data to create reports on the impact of Covid and the future needs of people across Selby District. Your personal details will not be shared in these reports.
If you need a copy of the paper-based survey, let us know and we can email it to you: / 01757 291111
Please return to Selby District AVS, Community House, Portholme Road, Selby, YO8 4QQ
May 2021 Parish Magazine
published on 1st May 2021
The May 2021 edition of the Escrick Parish Magazine has been published online!
Here is the link:
Parish Magazine update - May 2021
published on 1st May 2021
The following update appears in May 2021 Parish Magazine:
Escrick Parish Council Update
Bus stop:
The passenger transport team at City of York Council are still pursuing the installation of bins, road markings, and getting the stops added to the ‘All York’ travel ticket zone.
A decision on additional lighting has been put on hold until next winter.
The Neighbourhood Plan working group are finalising documentation for informal public consultation, which will hopefully commence during May.
North Yorkshire County Council has confirmed that their schedule of work for 2021/22 includes the ‘village gateway’ on Skipwith Road, and dropped kerbs for accessibility at various junctions in the village.
The request for double yellow lines on Skipwith Road north of Dower Chase is still pending, as is the request for a 20mph zone on Carr Lane in the vicinity of the primary school.
The bridge on Main St has been repointed, and a bid for funding has been submitted to fully repair the leaning parapet.
Councillors: We welcome Glen Hopkinson onto the Council, who was co-opted at April’s meeting. We still have two vacancies for Parish Councillors. Please contact the clerk or chair if you are interested in getting involved.
Parish Council meeting dates: May’s meeting has been rescheduled to 4th May. From 6th May the Council is no longer legally allowed to hold online meetings, as this would require Government to amend Primary Legislation. Councillors will agree at May’s meeting how the Council will continue to operate, as not all Councillors are comfortable to return to physical meetings. If meetings do go ahead, the planned dates are 7th June and 5th July. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website:
HRH Prince Philip
published on 9th Apr 2021
Following the sad death of HRH Prince Philip, Escrick Church will be open tomorrow, Saturday, between 2pm and 4pm should people wish to call in to light a candle, pay their respects and for private prayer. Should anyone wish to lay flowers, they are very welcome to do so near the War Memorial in the Churchyard. The Church flag is being flown at half-mast and a bell was tolled earlier today as a mark of respect.
Joining with other Bell towers across the country, one of our bells will also be tolled, half muffled, tomorrow at 12 Noon for 5 minutes.
Due to Covid considerations, there will not be a physical Book of Condolence, however electronic Books of Condolence have been opened by the Church of England and Royal Family at these links: and
With best wishes
Caroline Caroline Wandless Churchwarden |
Richard Richard Rowson Chair, Escrick Parish Council |
Parish Magazine update - April 2021
published on 1st Apr 2021
the following update appears in April 2021's Parish Magazine:
Escrick Parish Council Update
Bus stop:
Options for lighting at the bus stops are still being explored. Rubbish bins have been requested, but City of York Council have advised that this is outside the area covered by their service.
Selby District Council consulted on its new ‘local plan’ during February / March. The Parish Council received various representations from residents and other members of the public, primarily about the potential new settlement of Heronby proposed to the south west of the village. Please see the Parish Council website for more details:
North Yorkshire County Council have now rejected the planning application for a waste sorting site at the former Stillingfleet Mine site.
Vacancies: We have three vacancies for Parish Councillors. Please contact the clerk or chair if you are interested in getting involved.
Parish Council meeting dates: 12th April, 10th May and 7th June. All meetings at 7.30pm online. Public welcome. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website:
April 2021 Parish Magazine
published on 1st Apr 2021
The April 2021 edition of the Escrick Parish Magazine has been published online!
Here is the link:
Parish Magazine update - March 2021
published on 28th Feb 2021
The following update appears in March 2021 Parish Magazine:
Escrick Parish Council Update
The police undertook spot checks on vehicles travelling on Skipwith Road through the village. They found that all vehicles were either under the 7.5T limit, or had a legitimate exemption to be using the road.
Bus stop:
A bus shelter has been installed for the York-bound bus stop. Councillors reviewed options from City of York Council for lighting the stops. The Parish Council agreed in principle to provide funding for City of York Council to install lighting, but asked City of York Council to propose lighting appropriate for the setting in a rural conservation area with consideration to the impact on nearby properties.
Playing Field:
The Parish Council has agreed to allow Wheldrake Junior Football Club (which many of the children in the village attend) to use the playing field for Saturday morning sessions. Guidance on parking has been provided, and this will initially be every other week for one season to gauge feedback.
Selby District Council is consulting on its new ‘local plan’ until 12th March. This is a plan that sets out a vision and framework for future growth of Selby district, identifying where new housing, employment and other development could take place. Several sites have been submitted for consideration within Escrick Parish. Please see the Parish Council website for more details:
Vacancies: We have three vacancies for Parish Councillors. Please contact the clerk or chair if you are interested in getting involved.
Parish Council meeting dates: 1st March, 12th April and 10th May. All meetings at 7.30pm online. Public welcome. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website:
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