Parish Magazine update - February 2021
The following update appears in February's Parish Magazine:
Escrick Parish Council Update
Skipwith Road speeding: The County Council has confirmed that it will proceed with the design for a village gateway at the entrance to the village from the south.
Lorries passing through the village: The police have advised it is not feasible to stop and check vehicles for compliance with the weight restrictions through the village. The majority of Councillors felt this wasn’t a satisfactory answer, and have asked the police to reconsider their position.
Accident damage to verge: The County Council has confirmed it will repair the verge, kerbstones and hydrant damaged in the accident in early December, but cannot confirm timescales for the work.
Bus stop:
The Parish Council has agreed to co-fund a bus shelter with City of York Council, which has been ordered. A quote for a streetlight is being prepared with the intention of having a light to cover both bus stops.
Selby District Council is expected to start a consultation on 29th January on its new ‘local plan’. This is a plan that sets out a vision and framework for future growth of Selby district, identifying where new housing, employment and other development could take place. Several sites have been submitted for consideration within Escrick Parish. Please see the Parish Council website for more details once the consultation has been published:
Vacancies: We have three vacancies for Parish Councillors. Please contact the clerk or chair if you are interested in getting involved.
Parish Council meeting dates: 1st February, 1st March and 12th April. All meetings at 7.30pm online. Public welcome. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website:
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