Escrick Slaughterhouse
A planning application has been lodged on behalf of the landowners of the Slaughterhouse to change the use to residential, comprising the conversion of existing buildings to 4 dwellings and 4 new build dwellings, together with an improved means of access to Main Street. Dwelling mix proposed is 4 x two-bedroom , 1 x three-bedroom and 3 x four-bedroom properties. A representative will be attending the next Parish Council meeting to be held on Monday 6th March.
The proposed plans are attached:
ATSL15 Plot 4 Proposed Development.pdf
ATSL12 Plot 2 Proposed Development.pdf
ATSL16 Plot 5 (Revised) Elevations and Floor Plans.pdf
ATSL14 Plot 3 Proposed Development - Floor Plans.pdf
ATSL2 Proposed Site Layout Plan.pdf
ATSL11 Proposed Conversion Plots 1 6 7 and 8.pdf
ATSL13 Plot 3 Elevations (Revised).pdf
ATSL24 Planning Design and Access Statement.pdf