Notices - 2020
Hedge trimming
published on 13th May 2020
The Parish Council’s contractors will be doing some minor pruning of some hedges around Carr Lane / Skipwith Road junction this week.
We are aware that some confusion exists around the legality and probity of cutting hedges during the bird nesting season, and this note is intended to clarify the position.
It is an offence under Section 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981 to intentionally damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while it is in use or being built. As such, it is generally recommended to avoid cutting hedges where feasible during the peak nesting season of March – August. However, it is not illegal to trim hedges during this time, providing reasonable steps are taken to check that a birds nest will not be damaged or destroyed. The work being undertaken is not a deep cut into the body of the hedge, simply removing the thin new growth extending into the pavement. As such the contractors can ensure that they are not cutting back into any active nests.
The Highways Act 1980, section 154, creates a legal obligation for the owner or occupier of a property to ensure that the 'public highway' adjacent to their property is not obstructed by vegetation from their property. A 'public highway' means any verge, footway, carriageway, bridleway or footpath that is maintained at public expense and over which the public has a right of way. The pavements where the work is being undertaken are relatively narrow, and it is considered necessary to keep on top of the new growth so that the pavement is not obstructed.
This approach was agreed by the Parish Council at its meeting on 4th May. If residents disagree with this approach, can we kindly ask that you do not confront the contractors, but direct your concerns to the Parish Council itself via the contact details on its website.
Escrick 10k 2020 cancelled
published on 24th Apr 2020
Cancellation of 2020 event:
It’s with regret that we have decided to cancel the Escrick 10k 2020.
Normally by now we’d be walking the course, choosing medals and mementos, thinking about how many sausages to order for the barbecue, and encouraging runners to sign-up.
None of us know what restrictions will be in place by August, but it seems likely that social distancing will still be in place, which makes it impossible to think about squeezing 700 runners through the start line, and impractical to get the volunteers together to do all the preparation.
For those who have already signed up online, you will be contacted by our booking provider, BookItZone. We’ll roll over your registration to 2021, or if you prefer you can have a refund.
We are sorry that we can’t welcome you this year, but we’ll be back on Sunday August 22nd 2021.
10k Organising Committee
Fly tipping and dog fouling
published on 20th Apr 2020
Concerns have been raised across the district about increased fly tipping and dog fouling in recent weeks. If you are aware of instances of either, please report them via
COVID-19 update from the Chief Executive of Selby District Council
published on 18th Apr 2020
Bulletin Special - 17 April
The Bulletin includes an update on the financial considerations we’re now dealing with as part of the response effort. But in particular this week I want to highlight two aspects of our work that really demonstrate how different parts of the council are working together to deliver for our community.
Firstly, our work to support those most vulnerable to the virus. We’ve been working with county council colleagues to identify people who need to be ‘shielded’ from the virus. There’s direct help in place for those who need particular support. This week we’ve also been offering an additional layer of help for those in this shielded group, but who’ve told us they have support in place. We want to check they’re doing okay and have everything they need. A group of staff drawn from across the organisation has been making phone calls to people in this group. By the end of today, this dedicated team will have phoned around 450 people in our area.
In terms of business support, we’re continuing to push out government grants to eligible businesses. As of today, we’ve distributed nearly £12m of funding to our business community, through over 1,000 applications. This has been a real dedicated team effort involving lots of different teams. My thanks to them all.
You can also help us to support local independent retailers who’re allowed to continue to trade at the moment. The County Council has launched a new ‘Buy Local’ website, with the aim of listing local services still operating. Not many Selby district businesses are represented. To be included the business must register. Please pass on details to any businesses in your area who may benefit from this exposure. The website can be reached here:
Alongside the Bulletin update, don’t forget that you can see a list of the latest decisions made via the website – click here for more details.
Thank you . Keep Safe.
Janet Waggott
Chief Executive
Parish Council meetings during COVID-19
published on 5th Apr 2020
Parish Councils are normally required by law to meet in person, and to allow the public to physically attend and observe meetings.
"The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020" came into force on 4th April, and has several important impacts:
- Meetings can now be held by video conference
- Annual meetings normally required to be held by law around May each year are postponed
These regulations came into force too late to allow April's meeting to be arranged as a video conference (as by law we are still required to give 3 clear days notice of the meeting). Therefore, April's meeting is cancelled. However, it is our intention that May's meeting will go ahead as planned via video conference. Details of how members of the public can observe the meeting will be published nearer the time.
We will use May's meeting, amongst other things, to decide the impact upon other Parish Council initiatives.
Parish Magazine Update - April 2020
published on 1st Apr 2020
The following update appeared in April's magazine
Escrick Parish Council:
A19/Skipwith Road junction scheme: The Parish Council has chased NYCC for an update, but at the time of writing had not received a reply.
The Parish Council considered options for further deployment locations of the VAS sign, and agreed that the next location to be trialled is Skipwith Road southbound. This will involve installing an additional mounting on the existing post, so that the sign can be alternated between northbound and southbound directions.
The application for a waste sorting site at the former Stillingfleet mine site is due to go to NYCC planning committee at the end of March. At the time of writing there is no significant update on the other major schemes in/around the Parish.
The Parish Council has made a response to Selby District Council’s consultation on their new local plan, which is available on the Parish Council website.
The Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) team has put forward proposals for how to approach the ‘site selection’ stage of the NDP project. However, the Parish Council deferred making a decision on the approach until site submissions have been received later in the month. Cllr Bartle has volunteered to take-over the chair of the NDP project, when Cllr Rees stands down in April.
The Parish Council received a presentation from Riccall and District Resilience Group explaining the work that they had done locally – preparing for situations such as floods, severe weather, power cuts, etc. The PC had agreed to review whether establishing something similar for Escrick.
Parish Council meeting dates: 6th April, 4th May and 1st June. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website:
Amended bus service
published on 25th Mar 2020
For those key workers and others who still need to travel, be aware the 415 is now running a Sunday service all week:
New bin day
published on 25th Mar 2020
Just when you thought nothing else could change - bin day is moving to Tuesdays.
Use your recycling bins from now on.
You can check which colour of bin is being collected each week on our website:
Parish Magazine - April
published on 24th Mar 2020
I am very sorry to say, but following the announcement by the Prime Minister last night, we are suspending the Parish Magazine until further notice.
We have cancelled the printing of the April magazines which would have been available at the end of this week. We will keep monitoring the situation and will resume as soon as we are able.
April's magazine is available online instead.
COVID-19 : Playing fields and playground
published on 20th Mar 2020 (updated on 22nd Apr 2020)
Playground and playing fields:
In accordance with the Government announcement on 23rd March, and The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020, the playground is now closed.
The playing field remains open for exercise. Residents are requested to maintain social distancing whilst accessing the site, and whilst on the site.
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