Notices - 2019
Village pond plants
published on 28th Mar 2019
As part of the refurbishment project, the village green association have planted a range of plants in the pond.
Details are below.
Residents are requested to not add any further plants to the pond. The plants have been chosen to provide the correct ecological mix, and specifically avoiding invasive species.
Tour de Yorkshire timings
published on 27th Mar 2019
The Tour de Yorkshire passes through Escrick on Thursday 2nd May.
The race is expected to pass through Escrick between 16:50 and 17:20, and there will be approximately 1 hour road closure along the route around this time (Skipwith Road, Carr Lane, A19)
Parish Magazine Update - March 2019
published on 1st Mar 2019
The following update appeared in March's Parish Magazine:
Escrick Parish Council
A19/Skipwith Road junction scheme: at the time of writing the Parish Council is still investigating loan options for the scheme, and plans a public consultation in due course.
The Council has received quotes for highways consultancy services to look at other issues, and the NDP project will take-on this area of work.
Cllr Musgrave advised that from April Parish Council’s will be able to purchase their own ‘vehicle activated speeding signs’.
Former Stillingfleet mine site: The application for a waste sorting centre has been deferred again until at least April’s committee meeting.
Former North Selby mine site: The application for a caravan/leisure park was submitted in January. The plan proposes approximately 300 static caravans, plus glamping pods and touring pitches. Whilst the Parish Council would have preferred the site to be returned to agriculture, given previous judgements this seems highly unlikely. As such, the proposals are the ‘least bad’ option that we have seen proposed for any of the former mine sites. The Parish Council has made representations suggesting that the park be limited to temporary residences; that the footprint of the proposal be reduced to avoid the ‘Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation’ (SINC) and avoid removal of wooded areas; along with requesting that various details of the application are re-checked by officers.
Former brickworks in-fill site: The site operator has applied for a variation to restoration conditions which would keep the site active for around 8 more years, and raise the level of the restoration to between 4m and 9m above the surrounding area. The Council has submitted objections on various grounds.
Neighbourhood Development Plan:
A public meeting was held on 20th January and got good attendance. The project is now moving into the next phase, focusing work around five themes: Transport & Movement; Housing; Community Facilities; Economic Development and Other. Workstream leads have been identified and workshops expected to be scheduled during March/April.
Tour de Yorkshire:
The Tour de Yorkshire will come through the village (Skipwith Rd, Carr Lane, A19) on Thursday, 2nd May. Timings are to be confirmed by the organiser in March. There will be approximately 1 hour road closures to allow the race to pass.
Councillors: We are glad to welcome John Reader back to the Parish Council. We still have three vacancies – please contact us via details below if you would like to join the Parish Council.
Parish Council meeting dates: Monday 4th March, 1st April, 13th May. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome. Contact: Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:
Wheldrake Lane Closure, Escrick
published on 25th Feb 2019 (updated on 14th Mar 2019)
The Closure will be in place for a period of 2 days between 18th March 2019 and 19th March 2019
The Road Closure and any associated Diversion Routes can be viewed using this URL link
North Yorkshire County Council
Selby toll bridge closure from Sunday 3rd February
published on 2nd Feb 2019
A reminder that the toll bridge in Selby closes for around 3 weeks from Sunday 3rd February.
Minerals and Waste planning applications
published on 31st Jan 2019 (updated on 1st Apr 2019)
As there has been some confusion locally regarding the number of and status of various planning applications, I would like to clarify the position.
There are four separate proposals at different stages of development:
1 | Former Stillingfleet Mine site | Proposals to develop part of the site as a waste sorting centre. The planning application has been submitted by Harworth Estates. The Parish Council has made representations and worked to support local residents with their objections. A decision is expected to be made by North Yorkshire County Council planning committee on 26th February. Residents can read more or make representations at: |
2 | Former North Selby Mine site | Proposals to develop the site as a caravan park, with a mix of static caravans, touring plots and glamping pods. This planning application was submitted by Harworth Estates in January, and the Parish Council will agree its response at February's meeting. This site currently has planning permission for use as an anaerobic digestor site. Residents can read more or make representations at: |
3 | Former brickworks waste infill site | Proposals to vary the conditions for infill and restoration of the former brickworks quarry west of the A19. Planning application was submitted by Escrick Environmental Services in January. The Parish Council will agree its response at February's meeting. This site is a former clay pit, and is in the process of being infilled and restored. Residents can read more or make representations at: |
4 | Proposed new clay extraction west of A19 | Proposals for long-term clay extraction from an area west of the A19, north and west of the business park. These proposals were first raised in the Joint Minerals and Waste Plan and then subsequent 'scoping opinion' application. No planning application has been submitted at this time. This is expected within the next few months. The Parish Council will review the application when it has been submitted. |
North Selby Mine Leisure proposals
published on 26th Jan 2019 (updated on 22nd Apr 2019)
UPDATE: Full details are now copied on this page.
Further to the consultation held in the village last year, Harworth Estates have now applied for planning permission for a mix of static caravans, 'glamping pods' and touring caravan plots on the former North Selby Mine site.
County Council Budget Consultation
published on 13th Jan 2019
North Yorkshire County Council are consulting on their budget for 2019 - 2020.
Residents are encouraged to read and take part in the consultation here, which also explains how the budget is spent, and the pressures upon it:
The deadline for responses is Monday 21st January.
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