Notices - 2018
Selby CEF September 2018
published on 13th Sep 2018
WW1 Beacons of light event
published on 10th Sep 2018
North Selby Mine - Leisure Development
published on 7th Sep 2018 (updated on 11th Sep 2018)
Harworth Estates Investments Limited are proposing the potential redevelopment of the former North Selby Mine site to a leisure development comprising of a range of touring caravan and glamping uses, static caravans and self contained lodges with associated facilities.
They are holding a public meeting at: Escrick & Deighton Village Hall on Monday 24th September from 3pm – 6.30pm.
Updated: A link to the relevant planning documents on City of York Council website is here
Many residents will be aware that the site currently has permission for the development of an anaerobic digestor.
Neighbourhood Development Plan Survey Launches
published on 31st Aug 2018
Residents of Escrick Parish are encouraged to complete our Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) survey which will help inform the development of the NDP. See to partake.
What is happening at Escrick Church - an update
published on 30th Aug 2018
We are making great progress with the Heritage Project. The Heritage Activities are going well with volunteers currently working hard with Michala, our Heritage Engagement Officer, preparing the interpretation panels, recording oral histories, creating our digital archive and preparing for our new website.
The physical building work to the Church starts on 10th September. All is scheduled for completion by week commencing 18th March 2019. The Churchyard will be accessible at all times, for people visiting graves and interments….. and of course Remembrance Sunday.
The inside of the Church however will unfortunately be out of bounds for Health & Safety reasons, mainly due to the extensive scaffolding that is to be erected internally. We discussed with the builder the possibility of using part of the Church for services before March 2019, but they would not know until much nearer the time. The Project committee, in discussion with Richard, decided that it is best to work on the basis that we won’t be able to use the Church until March. Even if we did try and have Christmas services in Church, it would be full of scaffolding and the pews may not be in place following the new heating installation. We feel it is better for us to return to Church when it is all complete.
The Parsonage Hotel management have very kindly agreed that we can hold our Sunday services in their Albizia Suite, and our Thursday morning services will be held at 3 Dower Chase.
We are making alternative arrangements for our Christmas Services and concert, and will share details with you as soon as they are finalised. Full details will be in the Parish magazine and on our Facebook page.
We will be having formal meetings with the Builders and Surveyor/Architect/H&S consultant on a monthly basis, and we will be sharing weekly photographs with you to keep you up to date with what is happening. Again they will be on Twitter and Facebook too.
Before 10th September you will gradually see things start to be tidied and moved from Church as we ‘empty’ Church for the hand over to the builders. We still though have our Heritage Open Day coming up on 8th September and our regular Church services up to and including 9th September. We will try and make the service on 9th September a little special as it will be our last in Church for a few months, so if you can come along it would be great to see you.
It has been a long time coming, but it is now finally happening!!! And all thanks to generous donations, especially FOSH and Heritage Lottery Fund. We are sure the next few months of inconvenience will be very worthwhile come March, when we have our clean, warm, well-lit and accessible building – and we don’t have to struggle up the spiral staircase to put the brass away, crawl behind the staircase door for the tea and coffee or navigate the baptistery steps to share coffee after the service.
Thank you all for your patience and please do come along to the services in the Parsonage – it will be the same services, same people but just in a different temporary location.
Feel free to get in touch if you would like more information.
With my very best wishes.
Caroline Wandless, Churchwarden
Parish Magazine Update - July 2018
published on 1st Jul 2018
The following notice appeared in July's Parish Magazine
The Parish Council welcomes Darren Calvert to the Parish Council who was co-opted onto the Council at June’s meeting. Darren is a long-term resident of Escrick and keen to make a difference for the benefit of Escrick residents, particularly older residents. There are two further vacancies for others interested.
Stillingfleet Mine Waste Sorting Centre planning application - the application was due to be heard at July’s planning committee, but has been put on hold at the request of the applicant. The earliest that the application could now go to committee is in September.
Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP)
Work is underway on the NDP. If you would like more information, or would like to discuss becoming a volunteer, please see, contact Cllr Tudor Rees by email at or on 07718801619 .
Highways safety concerns
The chair met with highways to discuss concerns regarding the A19 outside the business park. Highways officers explained that the accident record for the location does not meet criteria set by NYCC Councillors to justify a safety audit of the site, therefore no further action would be taken. The Parish Council will make a further representation with more specific accident details.
Speed monitoring data for Skipwith Road (near Wheldrake lane) has been obtained, and County Cllr Musgrave has met with highways officers to understand if a reduced speed limit could be implemented between Mill Hill and the village. Officers are reviewing options.
NYCC highways have agreed to take action regarding the overhanging trees, bushes and ivy outside the Parsonage.
A speed camera van has been deployed twice on the A19 near the telephone exchange in May. No speeding motorists were recorded.
A speed camera van has been deployed on Skipwith Road (near Wenlock Drive) 16 times since the start of the year, and caught 145 speeding motorists (deployments have included weekdays and weekends, and a variety of times of day).
The PC has received various complaints about noisy motorbikes which it has raised with NYP.
The PC will discuss options for procuring a vehicle activated speed sign at September’s meeting.
Parish Council meeting dates: No meeting in August, future meetings: 3rd Sept, 1st Oct, 5th Nov, 3rd Dec. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.
Contact: Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:
Pond restoration 2018
published on 24th Jun 2018
Escrick Village Green Association would like to announce that works to renovate the village green pond are now almost complete and I am sure you will agree this does look so much better.
We would like to thank to Michael Luscombe, Patrick Murphy and Dryland Hire for all their hard work and help with planning, labour and machinery. Thanks must also go to Richard Rowson & Sam for their help during this project, this has made a big difference and we thank you for your support.
Read more about the project here.
Become a Dementia Friend
published on 15th Jun 2018
Social Isolation Survey
published on 14th Jun 2018
Selby District Council are supporting a new third sector leaders group to gather evidence to inform a lottery bid to tackle social isolation. They need to collect 1000 responses from the community to get their opinion on loneliness and isolation.
Residents are encouraged to respond using the link below:
Parish Magazine update - June 2018
published on 29th May 2018
The following notice appeared in June's Parish Magazine
Escrick Parish Council
The May meeting took place after the magazine went to press, so a summary will appear in next month’s magazine. Meanwhile a brief update on local issues:
Stillingfleet Mine Waste Sorting Centre planning application - The Parish Council (and neighbouring Parish Councils) have been working with a group of residents to oppose this proposed application. Determination has been postponed from May’s Planning and Regulatory Affairs Committee whilst NYCC consider recent representations. We will provide further updates via our website and Facebook if the situation changes.
Neighbourhood Development Plan
As part of the Parish Council’s desire to influence, guide and shape District and County planning for the village and its environs, we are about to start a new project: to create a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for Escrick Parish, which will form part of the statutory planning decision making process once complete. This will review housing, business and commercial development, and the infrastructure needs of the Parish for the next 10 years period. We are one of five areas within Selby DC starting such a Plan.
Building our Plan will be community driven, and we will be asking for views and opinions through a series of events and questionnaires over the coming year. To build and deliver our Plan, we need additional volunteers from the Parish to work alongside a small team of Parish Councillors and consultants throughout the process. As part of the new project Working Group, volunteers will help determine issues to be addressed, gather information, post flyers, help set up events, and communicate to the wider community on progress and outcomes.
We will be holding a public meeting to explain more about the process and discuss how to get involved at 3pm on Sunday 10th June in Escrick Village Hall - all welcome to attend.
We will also post more information and documentation on our NDP webpage
If you would like more information, or would like to discuss becoming a volunteer, please contact Cllr Tudor Rees by email at or on 07718801619 .
Parish Council vacancies
We have two vacancies for Parish Councillors at present. If you live in the Parish and would like to help shape the role of the Parish Council please do consider joining. The role takes 2 - 3 hours per month (more if you wish). If you might be interested or would like to learn more, please contact the Chair or any Councillor (contact details below)
Pavements and verges
We continue to get complaints about pavements and verges. In particular, please can residents keep hedgerows/bushes/trees trimmed so that these don’t encroach upon the footpaths. Also, please can residents refrain from parking on pavements and verges. We have at least two wheelchair users in the village, and even partially blocking the pavement makes their movement around the village difficult (and similar for parents with prams and pushchairs). Parking on verges continue to cause damage to the verges themselves, and we have had a further instance of a water pipe being cracked by a vehicle driving over the verge above it. (The water pipes in parts of Escrick are quite shallow beneath the verges).
Parish Council meeting dates: Future meetings: 4th June, 2nd July, (No meeting in August). All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.
Contact: Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:
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