Local Plan consultation info from Selby District Council:
This is the version of the Local Plan that the Council proposes to submit to the Secretary of State for examination and therefore there are prescribed questions which we must ask to fulfil the requirements of legislation. In order to help people to comment on the plan we’ve published a Regulation 19 Guidance Note (a copy is attached). The tests of soundness can cover a broad range of planning issues such as whether the approach is the right spatial strategy, whether key issues have been considered or if it meets the requirements of national policy.
A “Frequently Asked Questions” note is also published which provides background information on the Local Plan process. This can be found at Frequently Asked Questions Publication close date 28 Oct2022.docx (live.com)
With regards to the process for responding to the consultation, we have produced a note on how to use the consultation software which can be found at Publication Local Plan - Objective Instructions and Help Sheet.pdf (selby.gov.uk) In addition to submitting comments via the consultation portal, people can download and print off a comment form, which can be sent to us via email or by post (a copy is attached). Alternatively, people can email or send letters directly to us as long as they provide their name and address.
Just as a reminder we also have a dedicated phone line should anyone wish to speak directly to a member of the Local Plan team for assistance, which is 01757 292134.
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