Local Plan response instructions from Selby District Council
Publication Local Plan - Objective Instructions Help Sheet
Should a resident not have access to the internet, upon request Selby District Council have facilitated posting a copy of the plan to the resident and have welcomed comments via post. Please head your document ‘Local Plan (Heronby) feedback’ and send to Selby District Council, Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby, YO8 8FT. They will also take receipt of comments via the Local Plan email address (localplan@selby.gov.uk) and will process the comment into Objective from their side. Letters must include your name and address, then they will be processed and taken into account as feedback.
In summary:
SDC would like feedback via their website portal options A or B below, or via options C or D:
A. https://selby-consult.objective.co.uk/kse
or you can follow the link ‘representation (comment) form’ at the below page under the heading ‘Alternative Ways of Submitting Comments’ :
B. www.selby.gov.uk/new-local-plan
or submit your email comments giving your name and address plus confirm you agree to the processing and subsequent publication of the comments, email to:
or post your feedback giving your name and address plus confirm you agree to the processing and subsequent publication of the comments, post to:
D. Planning Policy Team, Selby District Council, Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby YO8 9FT
We have argued strongly that the SDC portal system (A and B routes above) is unnecessarily complex and off-putting for residents. Anyone who finds this is the case should use the email / postal routes (C and D options above) to give their feedback. Please note SDC are now making the following three point statement regarding content of feedback, so we suggest any objections are headed by you under one or more of these categories, to ensure your objections are processed.
1. Legal Compliance – does the plan meet the legal and procedural requirements?
2. Soundness – has the plan been positively prepared, justified, effective and consistent with national policy?
3. Duty to Cooperate – has the Council worked and engaged effectively with both neighbouring authorities and statutory bodies?
You don’t need to be an expert in these matters, just put each of your objections under the most appropriate of the above three headings. Arguments you can use are detailed on our website (Notices: Update on the proposed new town development between Escrick & Stillingfleet - 19th August) and the Halt Heronby group website www.haltheronby.co.uk
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