Neighbourhood Plan update - July 2022
The Escrick Neighbourhood Development Plan 2021 - 2035 has been examined by the Independent Examiner, Mr Patrick T Whitehead. The Examiner has recommended that, subject to a number of proposed modifications, the Escrick Neighbourhood Development Plan should proceed to referendum on the basis that it has met all the relevant legal requirements.
His report can be found here.
The proposed modifications are helpful and improve the clarity, consistency and usability of the Plan.
The next steps in our journey are shown below. We are at the end of Step 5.
Step 5: Independent Examination
- local planning authority sends Plan and representation to the independent examiner
- independent examiner undertakes examination
- independent examiner issues a report to the local planning authority and qualifying body
- local planning authority publishes report
- local planning authority considers report and reaches own view
- local planning authority takes the decision on whether to send the Plan to referendum
Steps 6 and 7: Referendum and bringing the neighbourhood plan or Order into force
- relevant council publishes information statement
- relevant council publishes notice of referendum/s
- polling takes place (in a business area an additional referendum is held)
- results declared
- should more than half of those voting vote in favour of the Neighbourhood Plan, the Plan comes into force as part of the statutory development plan for the area
See for more details
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