Appearance and environment...
Is anyone interested forming a small working party to help improve the appearance of our village, and/or try a few environmental initiatives?
The Parish Council often gets suggestions that there is more the village could do, such as flower beds, a wildflower verge, illuminating the Jubilee monument, bat boxes, maybe even an Escrick in Bloom event. We're lucky that the Village Green Association do excellent work maintaining our village green and pond, but there are other locations in the village that we could also improve.
The Council discussed this at June's meeting, and agreed to consider funding requests to help a group get started, but envisage the activity being volunteer lead.
The planters by the village signs have been refreshed, and we've moved on to the flower beds behind the Jubilee memorial.
If you might like to be involved, please let me know, whether it's helping planting, watering, donating plants, or other ideas. It's early days, so we haven't got a firm plan or approach yet. (Specifically, if anyone has any plants to donate for behind the Jubilee memorial, can you let me know in the few days)
Richard -
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