Coronavirus update from Selby District Council
This is to update you on the position with Covid-19, otherwise known as Coronavirus.
As you’d expect, all our services are undertaking significant planning to prepare for the impact of the virus, both in terms of the potential impact on our own staff and on our residents and businesses.
We continue to work in partnership with Public Health England, Public Health at the County Council and our local partners to ensure we’re working together to manage this challenge. We have a strong track record of working together to deal with significant issues affecting our communities. This partnership approach is being managed through the North Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum.
We’re also supporting the government’s public information campaign, linking back to nationally-agreed key messages. We’ll be talking to staff about how best to protect themselves and the people they come into contact with.
This is an ever-changing situation, with new cases announced daily. We’re following the very latest government guidance and will continue to plan and adapt our response as required.
More information can be found at:
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