Sharing roads and pavements
The Parish Council has received several concerns regarding inconsiderate parking in the village.
Residents are requested not to park on pavements, nor to park where it blocks dropped kerbs for crossing at junctions. In addition to the general inconvenience, we have several wheelchair users in the village, along with numerous pushchair users, and blocking pavements and dropped kerbs makes their mobility around the village particularly difficult. All the roads in the village are sufficiently wide not to require parking on pavements.
DO NOT stop or park: ... where the kerb has been lowered to help wheelchair users and powered mobility vehicles
You MUST NOT park partially or wholly on the pavement in London, and should not do so elsewhere unless signs permit it. Parking on the pavement can obstruct and seriously inconvenience pedestrians, people in wheelchairs or with visual impairments and people with prams or pushchairs.
As a reminder, it is not permitted to park abeam double white lines (as on Carr Lane). This can attract a £100 fine and 3 penalty points under section 36 of the Road Traffic Act 1988.
You MUST NOT stop or park on .... a road marked with double white lines, even when a broken white line is on your side of the road, except to pick up or set down passengers, or to load or unload goods
Residents are requested to show consideration when parking that they do not block access along the road, and/or access to driveways.
Similarly residents are requested to take care when putting out bins and recycling crates that these do not obstruct the pavements.
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