Vacancy – Parish Magazine Editor
Our current Parish magazine editor will shortly be stepping down from the role due to work commitments after a number of years in the post. The magazine covers the Church Parishes of Escrick, Naburn and Stillingfleet. It is very well received and is a fantastic source of information.
Would you be interested please in taking on this voluntary role? It takes about 12 hours per month, 10 or so of which are around the monthly printers deadline of the 10th. If you are happy using a computer and would consider taking it on, we’d love to hear from you. Help and support will be provided…. And if you feel you can’t take on the full role, but would be happy to Edit just for one village or section of the magazine, we’d also love to hear from you. If you would like more information please feel free to get in touch as soon as possible on
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