

Urgent repairs to Cawood Bridge are required to the gear ring which has sustained damage where teeth have sheared off. The gear box mountings are also in need of repair as they have corroded to the point where the gear boxes are not adequately supported.

The Canal and River Trust have been apprised that the bridge is unable to swing until we carry out these repairs.

The repair works are going to happen in the following stages:

Tuesday 15th May between 9am till 9pm there will be a full road closure to vehicles, access will be maintained for pedestrians and cyclists.  The road closure is required to allow the safe removal of the gearboxes x 2 via a hi-ab that will need the full road space so access to the gear ring and at the same time the mountings will be repaired.  As soon as the gearboxes have been lifted by a hi-ab the road can be re-opened.  We will only know if the road can be open sooner once we start the removal.   Please note that if we encounter any issues then a road closure may be required for a second day.

Repairs to the gear ring / gear box mountings will be done following their removal and there will be no closure needed during this week.

AMENDED DATE: Friday 25th May the road will need to be closed to vehicular traffic between 9am till 9pm to install the gear boxes back onto the bridge again access to pedestrians and cyclists will be maintained.  A full test of the bridge and re-commissioning is necessary before re-opening of the road.  Potentially a second day may be required if any issues are encountered with the installation, commissioning.

Unfortunately these works are only a temporary fix to ensure that the bridge remains operational until the full major upgrade which is planned for October.

The Senior Bridge Engineer will be on site on both days so that updates on road closure timings and progress being made can be publicised.

The County Council would like to apologise in advance for any disruption and inconvenience this urgent works causes.