A63 Selby Bypass - Carriageway Reconstruction
North Yorkshire County Council will be undertaking carriageway re-construction works at the above location, between and including the A19 Brayton Roundabout, the A1041 Wishing Well Roundabout and the approaches.
The works are currently programmed to commence on 20 June 2016 and are programmed over a twelve week period, though this will be dependent on weather conditions.
Full road closures will be in operation during the works and will be permanently staffed by qualified Traffic Management Officers (TMO’s).
Daytime and night time working is planned on both the Wishing Well Roundabout and the Brayton Roundabout, which unfortunately will result in disruption. However, undertaking night time works on the two roundabouts will reduce the time taken to complete the Works.
Please note that works on the roundabouts will be sequenced to ensure that through route to and from Brayton and Selby is available from the A19 and A1041 respectively at all times. Further lane closures and road closures will be needed, which will be notified through advanced signs on site.
For further information including diversion information http://www.northyorks.gov.uk/article/32548/County-... and to sign up for alerts please go to http://www.northyorks.gov.uk/article/30550/Public-notices
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