Services and Amenities
The Parish Council provides a number of services and amenities in the village:
The Village Green - The Parish Council holds the lease on the village green, and arranges insurance and grass cutting. The Escrick Village Green Association and Village Green Events Working Group manage other maintenance, events and amenities on behalf of the Council.
The Playing Field and Playground - The Parish Council holds the lease on the playing field and playground, and arranges insurance and grass cutting. The Escrick Playing Fields Association manages fundraising and maintenance on behalf of the Council.
Defibrillator - The Parish Council provided and maintains the village defibrillator located at Escrick & Deighton Club.
Grit bins - The Parish Council bought and fills the grit bins located on Carr Lane, The Glade and outside the Alms Houses on Main St.
Streetlighting - The Parish Council owns and maintains about half the streetlights in the village (Main St, A19, Wenlock Drive, Skipwith Road, Carr Lane, The Glade, Hollicarrs Close)
Grass cutting - The Parish Council arranges grass cutting of urban grass verges. Grass cutting is undertaken approximately fortnightly during the growing season from April to October.
Memorials - The Parish Council maintains and insures both War Memorials, the Coronation Memorial, and the Jubilee Fountain.
Other amenities and services
The village website provides details of other services and amenities in the village. For the avoidance of doubt, the Parish Council does not operate the village hall, tennis club, nor Parish Magazine.
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