Notices and parish mag

Parish Magazine update - November 2020

The following update appears in November 2020's Parish Magazine

Escrick Parish Council update 


A19:  There has been no further response from North Yorkshire County Council regarding the proposed traffic light scheme. Therefore the Parish Council has reluctantly accepted that there is no realistic prospect of the scheme being progressed at present. The Parish Council will contact City of York Council / Deighton Parish Council to explore the possibility of a pedestrian crossing just to the north of the Church as an alternative.

Skipwith Road speeding:  Following the concerns sent in July, the ‘95 Alive’ Road Safety Partnership has directed the Council to the County Council highways team to discuss measures that can be implemented to address the speeding concerns. The Council has contacted the highways team, and is awaiting their response.

Watermain burst:  It was noted that there had been yet another burst and roadworks on the A19 outside the Parsonage, with associated disruption. The Council has written to Yorkshire Water raising concerns with the frequency of leaks and repairs in this area, and requesting a long-term solution.

VAS sign: The vehicle activated sign is currently out of action, due to an electrical fault. It is due to be repaired during October under warranty.


The Council has agreed to undertake a review of Tree Preservation Orders in the village.

The application for a waste sorting site at the former Stillingfleet mine site has not yet be heard by committee.

It is understood that The Parsonage will be applying for retrospective planning permission for the conversion of part of their lawns to car parking.


On Main St, the bus shelter woodwork has been repainted, and illumination installed for the Jubilee fountain.

One of the street lights at Hollicarrs Close has been knocked over. The Parish Council is arranging for a replacement to be installed.

Work on the village green fence is due to be completed during October.

The Council is chasing up with North Yorkshire highways regarding the repairs to Main St bridge, which was hit by a lorry in August 2019.


The Council is waiting to hear when Arriva will start to use the bus stop laybys instead of stopping by the Lychgate. It was agreed that the Parish Council would explore the feasibility of getting a bus shelter installed at the layby.

Parish Council meeting dates:  2nd November, 6th December, 4th January. All meetings at 7.30pm online. Public welcome.  Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),,   Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website: