Parish Magazine Update - March 2020
The following update appeared in March's Parish Magazine
Escrick Parish Council:
A19/Skipwith Road junction scheme: NYCC have acknowledged our request for a meeting to discuss the issues that they have recently raised, but at the time of writing the request is still outstanding.
Pavements: A further representation was made at February’s meeting that obstruction of pavements continues to be an issue in parts of the village. It was resolved to report the hedgerows concerned to NYCC requesting enforcement action. Bins and ‘pavement parking’ blocking pavements also continue to be an issue, and further guidance has been requested from SDC’s parking enforcement team.
Dropped kerbs: The Parish Council has submitted a request to NYCC for dropped kerbs to be installed at various locations in the village, with the priority areas being Carr Lane at the entrance of The Glade, and across the Carr Lane / Skipwith Road junction. NYCC has a rolling programme of improving accessibility of pavements (e.g. for wheelchair users), and these requests will be added to the list of requests for 2021.
At the time of writing there was no significant update on the large planning applications in/around the Parish. We will provide updates on our website if we receive further updates regarding the former mine sites, quarry or tip site.
The site selection phase of the NDP is now underway, and land-owners with potential sites for development have been requested to put these forward for consideration. In parallel the evaluation criteria for the site selection process is being developed by the NDP team.
Parish Councillors:
At February’s meeting Terry Chambers and Ian Reynolds were both co-opted onto the Parish Council.
We currently have two further vacancies for Parish Councillors. Please contact us (details below) if you may be interested in joining the Council and contributing to the local community.
Parish Council meeting dates: 2nd March, 6th April, and 4th May. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome. Contact: Clerk (Sally Look),, Chair (Richard Rowson),; Website:
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