Chairman's Report 2011-2012
The Parish Precept for 2011/12 was £10,000 and this is unchanged for 2012/13. The major capital item this year (£1500) was the replacement of the lighting column on Skipwith Road opposite Dower Chase. As usual, most of the precept was spent on the grass cutting of the village green, playing field and verges, electricity for street lighting and public liability insurance.
Roads and Footpaths: We continue to press Arriva to reinstate the Main Street bus stop for the 415 and 416 bus service, especially after the fatal accident in April at Deighton. We have witnessed many examples of near misses on the A19 when the bus stops, and fear that it is only a matter of time before our residents are involved in a serious accident. We urge residents to continue to press Arriva to alter their route.
Environment: Litter bins were installed on the Village Green in the summer. The flooding problem on Carr Lane has been greatly improved by the work carried out by Yorkshire Water in the Primary School. We are hoping to add a salt bin in the bottom of Carrs Meadow before next winter. A library service was introduced in the Escrick and Deighton Club to replace the mobile library service that has been withdrawn.
Planning: North Selby Mine – U.K.Coal have appealed against the decision by City of York Council to enforce the original planning application condition to return the site to agricultural use. This appeal has been postponed pending new plans to be submitted by U.K. Coal which are expected in the late Spring 2012. There was a renewed proposal for an Escrick Bypass funded by a major housing development. This proposal was overwhelmingly rejected by residents in 2008 and the Parish Council agreed that it would continue to
oppose this plan.
Escrick Playing Field: The 10K run at the end of August was a great success, and we are looking forward to the Diamond Jubilee events planned for 4th June on the Village Green
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