Escrick Parish Council - August update
The following notice appeared in August's Parish Magazine
Escrick Parish Council:
A19/Skipwith Road junction scheme: Thank you to everyone who took part in the consultation. Councillors debated the scheme on 1st July, including the findings of the precept increase consultation, and resolved to apply to the Secretary of State for authority to borrow the funds to finance the scheme. This is the first of a number of steps that have to happen before the scheme can go ahead, these include receiving the permission to borrow, applying for the loan itself, placing the order with North Yorkshire highway, who in turn will need to do a consultation on the scheme design. More:
Skipwith Road speeding: The Parish Council has agreed to buy a portable vehicle activated speed sign which can be moved between different locations in the Parish. It was agreed that the initial location should be Skipwith Road in the vicinity of the Carr Lane junction. A contribution to the cost of the sign and mounting post is expected from the County Councillor’s highways budget.
Former North Selby mine site: At the time of writing the planning authorities are still considering the application. Highways England has however placed a ’notice of non-determination’ on the application. This means that the planning authorities cannot grant permission for the scheme until Highways Englands’ concerns which primarily relate to the impact on the A19/A64 junction have been adequately addressed.
Former Stillingfleet Mine site: We have been advised that planning officers will be recommending that the application for a waste sorting site is declined.
Escrick brickworks tip variation: At the time of writing there is no further update on the application to extend the volume of waste to be deposited at the site.
Clay extraction west of business park: A planning application for clay extraction is expected over the summer.
Get involved:
A few people have commented recently that they feel that they don’t have visibility of issues being considered by, nor the opportunity to contribute to decisions being made by the Parish Council. We do try to summarise all the key issues that we are working on in this monthly update, and there is a lot more information including agendas and minutes on our website ( Please don’t feel that you can only share your views when there’s a formal consultation. If you see a topic that is of interest to you, please just contact us.
We currently have three vacancies for Parish Councillors. Please contact us if you might be interested or want to understand more about what is involved.
Parish Council meeting dates: 2nd September, 7th October, 4th November, 2nd December. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome. Contact: Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:
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