Parish Magazine Update - May 2017
The following update will appear in May's Parish Magazine:
A19 safety: The A19 in Escrick has now been designated as a police safety camera van location. This means that police camera vans will be located on the A19 in Escrick from time to time to catch speeding and other offences. As a result of this, the Community Speed Watch group has had to stand down, as the police do not allow CSW and camera vans to operate on the same section of road. The Parish Council is very grateful for the volunteers that have given their time to CSW during its short period of operation. Separately, a site meeting is scheduled with NYCC to discuss options for improving the pedestrian crossing on the A19.
Annual meetings: The ‘Annual Meeting of the Parish Council’ and the ‘Annual Parish Meeting’ will take place on Monday 8th May at 7.30pm at the Club. Members of the public are welcome to attend.
Fountain area: Now the weather has improved, work has been scheduled to repaint the posts and replace the chains around the fountain area.
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