Plan Selby
Archived information:
'Plan Selby' - information from Selby District Council June 2015
From today, you’ve got another chance to influence where development takes place in the Selby District between now and 2027. That’s because the Selby District Council is encouraging dialogue on its proposed PLAN Selby documents which will guide decisions by them later in the planning process.
The final PLAN Selby will set out where new business and housing growth could be supported over the next decade and beyond.
These conversations on PLAN Selby are part of a long-running process to put in place a framework to support new business investment and to help deliver new homes.
Anyone will be able comment on and talk about the ‘work in progress’ on PLAN Selby using information on Selby District Council’s website from 29 June for six weeks – until 10 August. Around 1,000 organisations and individuals have been informed of this engagement process, including all those who responded to the initial PLAN Selby consultation including Parish Councils, local groups and infrastructure bodies such as those responsible for highways, water and education provision.
A cross section of community interest groups and business groups will be invited to discuss Selby, Sherburn in Elmet and Tadcaster’s growth and regeneration at workshops in the market towns. Local community representatives are also being invited to workshops to discuss village growth and conservation.
Deputy Leader of the Council, Cllr John Mackman, explained, “PLAN Selby will enable us to push ahead with our work to support new business and housing investment in the district. At this stage, we are focusing on engaging with community interest and business groups from across the District.
“Ultimately PLAN Selby will give us the framework to support the future development that our District needs - opening up new business space and a range of sites for new homes for family groups and individuals.
“We have a lot of good things going for us here in the Selby District, and we believe we offer a great place to do business and to live and enjoy life. PLAN Selby will help us continue this in the years to come.”
The discussions will cover issues such as how growth should be distributed around the District’s ‘Designated Service Villages’, how town centres should develop and Green Belt issues resolved.
'Plan Selby' - Further information from Escrick Parish Council (January 2015)
Further to the previous village consultation undertaken by the Parish Council, and City of York Council's consultation on their draft Local Plan in June/July 2014, Selby District Council is now consulting on 'Plan Selby', its Sites and Policies Local Plan. It is seeking views on where the 7,200 new homes it needs for the period 2011 - 2027 should be distributed and how to choose the best sites to deliver its housing strategy. For the 29% (1,780 houses) proposed to be developed within the 18 Designated Service Villages (of which Escrick is now one), it is asking whether each village should grow at, say, 8% or 9% of its current size – i.e. proportional growth - or whether they should each grow by the same number of dwellings, no matter what size they currently are and what local facilities exist. The Council wishes to hear views on these alternative distribution options as its starting point and says that further examination of sites will be subject to sustainability tests.
It also asks further questions for each settlement. For Escrick it asks:
- a)How should Escrick grow and develop?
- b)What else is needed in Escrick that could be allocated a site?
Given the recent major development proposals for Escrick by both York and Selby Councils, and the various sites put forward by landowners as options for future development, it is important that local residents make their views known on this consultation as there is no certainty which or if any of these options will be chosen and all views are welcomed. The Parish Council will be submitting a response to Selby before the closing date.
Comments on these and any other matters in 'Plan Selby' should be made direct to Selby Council before 5pm on 19 January 2015.
Escrick Parish Council's Representation to Plan Selby
'Plan Selby' - information from Selby District Council
Plan Selby Consultation - Selby District Council consultation:
From 25th November 2014, you've got a chance to influence where development takes place in the Selby district between now and 2027. That's because Selby District Council is asking for views on its proposed Plan Selby. This sets out where new business and housing growth could be supported over the next decade and beyond.
The consultation on Plan Selby is the next stage of a long-running process to put in place a framework to support new business investment and to help deliver new homes.
The Council is publishing draft documents for your comments. This Initial Consultation runs from 24 November 2014 until Monday 19 January 2015. During this period documents can be viewed at Council Offices and Local Libraries during normal working hours or at one of the public consultation events being organised. The documents can also be viewed and further information found on the Selby District Council website at
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