Parish Magazine update - May 2018
The following appeared in May's Parish Magazine:
Escrick Parish Council:
A19: The PC has discussed various concerns relating to the A19 with District and County Councillors. Parish Councillors expressed their frustration that there appeared to be a lack of a joined up approach between highways planning and planning permission for new developments.
Speed mitigation measures: It was noted that during the first 10 weeks of 2018, the police camera van caught 51 speeding vehicles on Skipwith Road, The PC is considering other measures within its control, such as vehicle activated speed signs, or ‘village gates’. NYCC are currently consulting on their policy for vehicle activated signs. The PC will decide next steps in September once the NYCC consultation has concluded.
Stillingfleet Mine site redevelopment: North Yorkshire County Council’s (NYCC) decision on planning permission for a waste sorting facility at the former Stillingfleet Mine site had been deferred until May.
Neighbourhood Plan consultants: The Parish Council has applied for a grant to cover the costs of developing a Neighbourhood Plan.
Litter bin for A19 lay-by: The PC will provide a litter bin in the lay-by north of the business park.
Beacons of Light: The Village Green Association will be organising a beacon lighting on the village green to commemorate 100 years since the end of WWI on the evening of 11th November.
Street lighting: The PC will procure two additional street lights for Carr Lane to address the remaining dark areas on Carr Lane.
Parish Council meeting dates: Future meetings: Monday 14th May (both the Annual Parish Meeting, and Annual Meeting of the Parish Council), 4th June, 2nd July. All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.
Contact: Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:
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