Parish Magazine update - June 2018
The following notice appeared in June's Parish Magazine
Escrick Parish Council
The May meeting took place after the magazine went to press, so a summary will appear in next month’s magazine. Meanwhile a brief update on local issues:
Stillingfleet Mine Waste Sorting Centre planning application - The Parish Council (and neighbouring Parish Councils) have been working with a group of residents to oppose this proposed application. Determination has been postponed from May’s Planning and Regulatory Affairs Committee whilst NYCC consider recent representations. We will provide further updates via our website and Facebook if the situation changes.
Neighbourhood Development Plan
As part of the Parish Council’s desire to influence, guide and shape District and County planning for the village and its environs, we are about to start a new project: to create a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for Escrick Parish, which will form part of the statutory planning decision making process once complete. This will review housing, business and commercial development, and the infrastructure needs of the Parish for the next 10 years period. We are one of five areas within Selby DC starting such a Plan.
Building our Plan will be community driven, and we will be asking for views and opinions through a series of events and questionnaires over the coming year. To build and deliver our Plan, we need additional volunteers from the Parish to work alongside a small team of Parish Councillors and consultants throughout the process. As part of the new project Working Group, volunteers will help determine issues to be addressed, gather information, post flyers, help set up events, and communicate to the wider community on progress and outcomes.
We will be holding a public meeting to explain more about the process and discuss how to get involved at 3pm on Sunday 10th June in Escrick Village Hall - all welcome to attend.
We will also post more information and documentation on our NDP webpage
If you would like more information, or would like to discuss becoming a volunteer, please contact Cllr Tudor Rees by email at or on 07718801619 .
Parish Council vacancies
We have two vacancies for Parish Councillors at present. If you live in the Parish and would like to help shape the role of the Parish Council please do consider joining. The role takes 2 - 3 hours per month (more if you wish). If you might be interested or would like to learn more, please contact the Chair or any Councillor (contact details below)
Pavements and verges
We continue to get complaints about pavements and verges. In particular, please can residents keep hedgerows/bushes/trees trimmed so that these don’t encroach upon the footpaths. Also, please can residents refrain from parking on pavements and verges. We have at least two wheelchair users in the village, and even partially blocking the pavement makes their movement around the village difficult (and similar for parents with prams and pushchairs). Parking on verges continue to cause damage to the verges themselves, and we have had a further instance of a water pipe being cracked by a vehicle driving over the verge above it. (The water pipes in parts of Escrick are quite shallow beneath the verges).
Parish Council meeting dates: Future meetings: 4th June, 2nd July, (No meeting in August). All meetings at 7.30pm at Escrick & Deighton Club. Public welcome.
Contact: Chair (Richard Rowson),; Clerk (Helen Guest),; Website:
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