
10th September 2007


Mr Steve Smowton (chair)
Mr Brian Forster (vice chair)
Mr Mike Russell
Mr Ian Reynolds
Mr Charles Forbes Adam
Mr Bill Reader
Mr John Reader
Mrs Gina Mannix
Mrs Carole Wainwright
Mrs Liz Casling (North Yorkshire County Councillor and Selby District councillor)

Mr Peter Skilbeck

MINUTES OF LAST MEETING were read and Mr Reynolds proposed they were approved and this was seconded by Mr Russell.

INSPECTOR DAVE PEGG was invited to the meeting but did not appear. The clerk to contact him and Mrs Wainwright will speak to him at the JAG meeting the following night in Skipwith.

The chair welcomed Alyson Linnegar the Affordable Housing Officer for Selby District Council.

Ms Linnegar is speaking to four rural parish councils within the Selby District Council (Appleton Roebuck, Ryther and Hensal) on the affordable housing survey which is being commissioned by them and requesting support from the parish councils in conducting this survey.
This survey is to determine the housing needs in rural areas. The survey will consist of a standard set of thirteen questions , the first six will be for all to answer and the remainder seven are aimed for people who need housing. The parish council will be asked for their comments. The Parish Council agreed to help distribute the questionnaires together with a pre paid reply envelope to every house within the Parish probably via the parish magazine. The clerk will be contacted by Rebecca Beaumount towards December and the result of the survey is expected by March 2008. Ms Linnegar reported that £5,000 was budgeted for the four surveys. The questionnaire will be made available for people who have moved from the area but who wish to return.
Assuming a need is identified the next stage will be to develop a scheme with a Housing Association which is a charitable non-profit organisation and for sites to be sought where normally planning permission is not given, outside the village envelope. The criteria for eligibility for these houses will be to local people who live in the village and have been resident for a period of time, persons employed in the village or persons with family connections in the village. When properties become vacant and there is no local person on the waiting list, persons from neighbouring parishes can apply.
These properties can be on a rent only basis or part ownership. They can only be 80% owned as the Housing Association is the landlord in perpetuity. Mr Forbes Adam has already been in consultation about a suitable site and he is keen that as Housing Associations are very commercial, his plans will ensure that his site adheres to Selby's affordable housing policy.
Mrs Wainwright reported that she had attended the Affordable Housing Meeting held recently and had heard of community land trusts in which a group of locals had set up a trust and purchased the land for affordable housing.
The standard policy from Selby shows the definition of 'local' to be the parish and adjoining parishes, but this may be amended for a particular development. Mrs Casling is to contact Skipwith and Stillingfleet Parish Councils to ask if they would like to participate in this survey.
Chair thanked Ms Linnegar for attending the meeting.

Mrs Mannix reported that she has painted over the graffiti on the sports wall. She has run out of paint and another coat is needed to completely cover the graffiti.
The summer has been very quiet and there has been very little disturbance
. She is still waiting for Dean Landscapes to quote for the strimming and will ask them again.
There will not be any calendars for next year due to poor response. For a fund raiser they are planning a 10K run in March 2008 through Escrick Park Estate and they have the support of UK Athletics. They are having a meeting next week when more details should be available and she will keep the parish council informed.
Mrs Mannix will give the clerk an invoice from the mole man.

The chair has been looking at various models and this will be purchased within the next couple of months.
Action: SS

The clerk to write to North Yorkshire County Council who still own the hedge on Carr Lane outside the old police houses to trim this hedge.
Action: VC

Mr Forster requested if the hedge could be trimmed on the link path to the playing field and Mrs Mannix will attend to this.
Action: GM/BF

The clerk had requested a quote for the copse along Carr Lane and war memorial to the A19 and has not had a response. Mr Forster will speak to Mr Dean about this.
Action: BF

The clerk spoke to Mark Lumby who is to chase Brian Watson at North Yorkshire County Council Highways for this sign.
Action: VC

Escrick Pre-school playgroup applied for £500 to purchase equipment to provide a group listening centre. The clerk to purchase the equipment direct.
Action: VC

Mrs Sadie Ashton requested £100 to purchase flower bulbs to plant around the village. It was agreed unanimously to fund this venture.

St Helen's Holiday Bible Club requested £150 to promote Christian life in a fun way and it was agreed unanimously to fund this.

Escrick & Deighton Village Hall Committee requested £500 to purchase replacement seating within the hall. The clerk to purchase these chairs on their behalf.

Mr Reynolds proposed £500 be given as a grant to St Helen's Church for church yard maintenance. This was agreed unanimously.

Mr Reynolds requested the Coronation Fountain be repaired and costings for this to be sought.
Action: VC

Mr Forbes Adams requested a pavement along Skipwith Road to Gassy Woods and costings for this to be sought.
Action: VC

ACCOUNTS are in credit
A/c No 1: £5,745.70
A/c No 2: £3,353.20
A/c No 3: £34.50
It was agreed to pay:
Escrick & Deighton Social Club: £10.00
Mrs V Cumberland telephone & postage: £23.43
Society of local council clerks: £25.00
NYCC - Escrick sign: £248.05
Deans Landscapes (June): £384.23
Deans Landscapes (July): £384.23
Deans Landscapes (August): £192.11
Escrick Park Estate - rent village green: £10.00

The following bills from npower are to be queried by the clerk before payment:
npower: £97.56
npower: £2,044.27
npower: £138.56
npower: £57.09
npower: £164.83
npower: £150.26
Action: VC

8/10/227/PA erection of a dwelling on land adjacent The Covers 70 Main Street Escrick - No objection in principal but would ask the Planning Officer about the distance the new house is to the existing wall that borders the site with regard to maintenance of the property next door and the proposed dwelling. Also that Highways give consideration to existing parking problems in Main Street and Escrick Park Gardens bearing in mind that 2 new entrances are already planned for the proposed development of the old Primary School. - SDC permission granted

8/10/92D/PA retrospective change of use of domestic dwelling to be used as bed and breakfast business Lyngarth 28 Main Street Escrick - no objections. - SDC permission granted

8/10/63K/PA proposed change of use from residential to hair and beauty salon at Saddlers Cottage 43 Main Street Escrick - no objections - SDC permission granted

8/10/235/PA proposed two storey extension 46 Main Street Escrick - Our view is that the design put forward is in keeping with the other houses in the area and we understand the architect are specialists in this type of design. However, it is a very large extension affecting the front of the property in a conservation area and we are concerned that it would not blend in either with the adjoining house or with the other houses in the area; indeed if it were built using building materials that did not very closely match the existing ones it has the potential to greatly detract from the appeal of the street. There have of course been other developments along Main St but these have always been detached houses and in general they have blended in well with the existing houses. Our view is that the development along Main St needs to be carefully controlled and that this application has too great an impact on the area to be approved.

8/10/195B/PA erection of a stable block to provide additional livery accommodation Glade Farm Riccall Road Escrick - no objections

8/10/3AA/PA revised vehicular access and alterations to car park layout to approval

8/10/3Z/PA for industrial units at Brickworks Riccall Road Escrick - no objections

8/10/222C/PA erection of a pair of semi detached dwellings and 1 detached dwelling with garages on land to the rear of Escrick C of E Primary School Main Street Escrick.
Our main comments with regard to this application:
1.The effect on the street scene with regard to the height of the new properties and the overlooking of houses in Escrick Park Gardens.
2. The designs of the new buildings compared with the existing house in Escrick Park Gardens.
3. With 2 new developments now planned in this area and 3 new entrances being created we are concerned about on going parking problems in Main Street and Escrick Park Gardens also access problems for council vehicles and emergency services apart from cars on these two roads.

The junction at the Brickworks has been extended to give a central turning lane. The current bus stop sign is to be made into a solid sign which will be in the sight line for the properties nearby.

Stillingfleet mine - the enquiry into this being returned to agriculture has been delayed.

She has written to the Chief Constable about the incident whilst the children were doing their cycling proficiency on Carr Lane and vehicles were speeding past.

North Yorkshire County Highways are to put markings on Carr Lane and outside the school as parking is still problematic during school term. The chair will write to the Head Teacher about parent's inconsiderate parking.
Action: SS

The village post office has been classed as category 3. Post Offices in this category are to be reviewed as part of the closure programme.

Mr Russell and Mr Smowton are to update the emergency procedure list.
Action: MR/SS


The Standards Board for England have sent the revised Members Code of Conduct. It was unanimously agreed not to adopt this.

Helen Pentith has written to the Highways about the condition of Wheldrake Lane. The clerk to write to the Highways in support of this letter.
Action: VC


Mr Reynolds
The new trees planted in the paddock at the playing fields appear to be smothered by long grass. The Chair commented that Groundworks had been asked about this and in their view the grass would not harm the growth of the trees.

Mrs Wainwright
Will attend the JAG meeting at Skipwith the following night.
She reported that litter is along the ally between Main Street and Skipwith Road and the litter bin at the church lychgate has not been emptied..
Mrs Mannix will speak to Onyx about both these matters.
Action: GM

Mrs Mannix
The anti graffiti paint has run out and it was agreed to purchase more.
Action: VC
She reported that cars and motor cycles are going along the ginnel between Carrs Meadow and Main Street despite a bollard at Main Street entrance. The cars are reversing back as they cannot get past this bollard. The clerk to request a bollard at Carrs Meadow entrance.
Action: VC

Mr Forster
Outside Post Office Row there are high thistles and Mr Forbes Adam will inspect this area.
Action: VC
There is litter on the A19 from the BP garage to Escrick boundary. The clerk to contact City of York and request this area to be cleared. Copies of the letter to be sent to Mr Harrison at the garage and Councillor Vassie in Wheldrake.
Action: VC

Mr Smowton
Reported that a resident had contacted a councillor about the weeds on the pavments and roads. Mrs Mannix agreed to contact Onyx about this.
Action: GM

DATE OF NEXT MEETING Monday 19th November 2007 at 7.30pm