11th September 2006
Mr Steve Smowton (chair)
Mr Brian Forster
Mr Mike Russell
Ms Judy Wanless
Mr Bill
Mrs Gina Mannix
Mr John Reader
Mr Ian Reynolds
Charles Forbes Adam
Mrs Carole Wainwright
Mrs Liz Casling
Mr Peter Skilbeck
The Chair opened the meeting by welcoming Mr Colin Newbury who has been the General Manager of Arriva's Selby Depot for one year. Mr Newbury had requested a meeting with the Parish council to inform us of the latest news and updates of Arriva's services.
The meeting was declared open
He said there had been little interaction between Arriva and local communities and he was trying to be in touch with customers. Selby Depot has thirty nine vehicles and operated in one part on a commercial profit basis and the other on a rural basis with local Authority subsidy. 77% of their fleet have low floors and Selby needs a further nine. Their vehicles last approximately 15/20 years and the average of Selby's vehicles is six years, the oldest being twelve. The buses average 50,000 per week and are serviced every twenty eight days with a mid service check at fourteen days. They lose 0.3% in mileage due to cancelled services through breakdowns.
The York service has been increased throughout the day to a frequency of every fifteen minutes, partly due to the increase in concessionary travel for Pensioners. They had forecast the increase to be 5% but in fact the true figure has been 200%. Mr Newbury compared this to West Yorkshire who previously subsided pensioners and who had only seen an increase of 30%.
All their vehicles will have satellite tracking and starting from October they will be offering a service whereby passengers can use their mobile phones to receive text messages informing them of the location of the bus. These texts will cost 10p and Arriva make nothing for this service. £10,000 was being spent on marketing this promotion.
A concern about buses not coming through the village was raised and Mr Newbury assured the meeting that as all vehicles have their journeys tracked, drivers had been warned that disciplinary action would be taken if they did not adhere to the correct route. A councillor enquired about the two bus stops that had appeared on the A19 but the buses fail to stop here. Mr Newbury stated that the location of bus stops was part of the re-design of the infrastructure and the contractors, without consulting Arriva, had placed the stops at these lay-bys as they had felt this to be the best position for them. They are in talks with the contractors as Arriva are not in favour of bus stops being in lay-bys as drivers had difficulty in re-entering the traffic flow. He confirmed that the stops outside the Church and opposite are recognised bus stops even though there were no stops signs in place. It was also felt that these stops were more convenient for the public than further along the A19. Mr Newbury replied it would not be feasible to leave the stops at these points as the DDA Act required kerbs to be raised.
Mr Smowton enquired if the double yellow lines along Main Street had improved conditions for Arriva. Mr Newbury's reply was the drivers no longer complained about traffic obstructing Main Street. He also told the meeting that the Selby Ring road had freed up the town centre but vehicles now obstructed both sides of the road in Gowthorpe but overall traffic had flowed through the town better. It was also asked why buses when they were ahead of schedule travelled at 30mph along the main roads when the recommended speed for buses was 40mph. Mr Newbury replied that it was better for passengers on the bus to be moving at all times rather than stop for longer periods at stops.
Mr Newbury mentioned that the Park and Ride at the Designer Centre had increased their load as people use the free car park and get on the 415 service into York. Mr Bill Reader complimented Arriva staff and said how pleasant they are. Mr Smowton said most people had spoken well of the service through Escrick especially since the 15 minute service had started. Nr Newbury requested anyone with problems to ring him direct. Mr Smowton thanked Mr Newbury for attending the meeting,
The meeting was declared closed
VEHICLE ACTUATED SIGNS: Mr Smowton still chasing for a representative from the Highways to come to a meeting to discuss the situation along Carr Lane. Action - SS
ANTI GRAFFITI PAINT COSTS: Mrs Casling would get 10 litres of primer and 10 litres of top coat in cream and Mr John Reader volunteered to paint the bus shelter. The bill for the paint would go directly to Selby District Council.
LIGHTER SAFER COMMUNITIES PROJECT: NEDL had returned the plan showing the position of the lamp post and this was in the wrong location and the clerk has contacted them with the correct position and is awaiting a response from them before we can submit a quote to Selby. The quote from NEDL was for £500, making the total cost £800 of which SDC would contribute 50%. It was agreed unanimously that if the costs were unchanged due to the change of position that we would proceed with the project. Action - VC
CHECK OF THE PAVEMENTS: The clerk has received all the information and will contact NYCC Area Manager Mr Paul Sheppard with everyone's findings. Action - VC
ELECTRICITY BILLS: Still on going as no further response from npower. Action - SS
The clerk had been requested to enquire for an increase to the electric meter on the village green to be increased from 17 amps to 35 amps and had been informed that the maximum capacity at present was 35 amps. No further action required.
CUTTING OF VERGES: The Chair thanked Mr John Reader for trimming back the hedges on the village green. Mr Forbes Adam said the trimming of hedge over the bridge near Derwent Court was going to be done.
ESCRICK PLAYING FIELD ASSOCIATION: Mrs Mannix reported that a piece of equipment had been damaged and the repairs would be £180 which included VAT but not delivery. They have sufficient funds for this, but it was agreed that the Parish council would pay for this. Mrs Mannix said work was progressing well with the calendar for 2007 and a flyer was being placed in the Parish magazine advertising their calendar. Mr Reynolds has the No Parking sign and would action this being placed. The Paddock is going to be landscaped in October and Mrs Mannix will report on the progress of this work. Action GM
DISABLED ACCESS INTO THE PLAYING FIELD: A proposal was discussed which would involve using the Escrick Park Gardens entrance to the playing fields as a disabled access. The feeling of the Parish Councillors was that the entrance through Escrick Park Gardens is not suitable as a disabled access and was only for vehicles requiring access into the field and not for the general public.
DRAINS BLOCKED ALONG MAIN STREET: The clerk had written to Selby District Council who had acknowledged the letter
SIGNS "BEWARE - DUCKS": The signs that had been donated by Mr. Reynolds will be placed on the fence of the Village Green. The clerk has contacted Mr Brian Watson of NYCC Highways at Fulford who is going to put the official duck warning signs on the lamppost nearest to the village green.
The Accounts are in credit:
A/c No 1 £2,279.97
A/c No 2
A/c No 3 £34.50
It was agreed to pay
Room hire Escrick & Deighton Club
Deans Landscapes £556.95
Mrs V Cumberland - expenses £92.
YLCA £6.41
Escrick Park Estate - village green rent £10.00
8/10/227/PA: erection of a dwelling on land adjacent The Covers 70 Main Street Escrick - No objection in principal but would ask the Planning Officer about the distance the new house is to the existing wall that borders the site with regard to maintenance of the property next door and the proposed dwelling. Also that Highways give consideration to existing parking problems in Main Street and Escrick Park Gardens bearing in mind that 2 new entrances are already planned for the proposed development of the old Primary School.
Mr Forbes Adam said that amended plans were being submitted.
8/10/40AJ/PA: consent fell top/lop various trees within TPO 2/1979 The Parsonage Country House Hotel Escrick - no objections
8/10/198A/PA: change of use from residential conservatory to use for child day care 25 The Glade Escrick- no objections -SDC refused permission
8/10/210A/PA: erection of a two storey extension to the side 2 Escrick Court Escrick - no objections
8/10/58/PA: erection of a single storey extension to the rear following demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a porch to the front 9 Skipwith Road Escrick - no objections - SDC permission granted
8/10/179B/PA: ground floor garage extension with en-suite at Belmont 23 Skipwith Road Esrcick - no objections - SDC permission granted.
8/10/228/PA: two storey rear extension at Rosegarth 9 Wenlock Drive Escrick - no objections SDC permission granted
8/10/72A/PA: erection of single storey rear extension to provide bathroom for disabled person 19 The Glade Escrick - no objections - SDC permission granted
8/10/65R/PA: crown, reduce & reshape Prunus tree T13 and prune and/or fell Birch tree T12 within TPO 5/1984 at Dower House, Dower Chase, Escrick - No objections
8/10/156B/PA: carry out works to Oak Tree T15 within TPO 4/1977 at Dower Lodge Dower Chase Escrick No objections
A letter from Selby District Council on State of the Area Address 2006.
Councillors to bring their views to the next meeting.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday 27th November 2006