
22nd May 2006

Mrs Mannix
Mr John Reader
Mr Reynolds
Mrs Casling



YELLOW LINES COMPLETED: The yellow lines on Main Street have been completed.

VEHICLE ACTUATED SIGNS: The chair emailed Mr Sheppard to arrange a meeting and is awaiting his reply. Copies of the email were sent to Mrs Mannix and Mrs Casling. Action - SS

ANTI GRAFFITI PAINT COSTS: Costs were received from Mrs Casling. Mr Skilbeck and Mr Forster will read through the information and report back on the best prices. At a previous meeting, Mrs Casling had indicated that Selby District Council may be willing to pay for this and clerk to make enquires from her. Action - PS & BF and VC

MR RUSSELL: Mr Russell has agreed to continue as the representative for the village green committee and the neighbourhood watch.

LIGHTER SAFER COMMUNITIES PROJECT: Mr Brooksbank was contacted by Selby District Communities for a quote for the erection of an additional street lamp in the village. His quote is £270. As the deadline for the monies was approaching the work had to be done immediately. Mr Forster met with Mr Brooksbank at the site and after being told EPC would have to pay for the electric connection, the work has been postponed while a quotation from the electric company is received. Action VC

FOOTPATH OUTSIDE DOWER PARK: The chair replied to Mr Ringwood's letter expressing sympathy with his wife's accident and assuring him that the Parish Council are going to do annually inspections of pavements in the village.

CHECK OF THE PAVEMENTS: The chair received a guidance from Mrs Casling on pavements and Mrs Mannix has been assigned to inspect Carrs Meadow and Mrs Casling to inspect Skipwith Road. We await their findings. Action GM & LC

SCHEDULE OF THE EIGHT MEETING DATES: The date for the meeting in March 2007 has been given as the 6th which is a Tuesday and the correct date is the 5th. Please amend your diaries.

ESCRICK PLAYING FIELD ASSOCIATION: No report as Mrs Mannix was not present. Mrs Mannix had advised the Chair of their current financial position, that their annual inspection is taking place next week, and that the sign is in situ.

ACCOUNTS: Mrs Forster proposed that the accounts for the year ended 31 March 2006 were approved and this was seconded by Mr Reader.

The balance of the accounts are
account 1 £5923.97
account 2 £1620.98
account 3 £34.50

It was agreed to pay:
Mrs V Cumberland - postage + stationery £8.52
Mrs V Cumberland - toner £47.97
Npower £171.76
G Brooksbank £57.40
Deans Landscapes £185.65

Instead of annual bills from Deans Landscapes they will be sending their bills in instalments.

The Chair will look at our electricity bills which are mostly made up of administration charges rather that electricity charges. Action - SS


8/10/114C/PA: proposed erection of 1 No 6 bedroomed detached dwelling following demolition of existing dwelling at About Thyme Hollicarrs Close Escrick - permission refused by SDC

8/10/225A/PA: erection of a 3 bed detached dwelling following demolition of existing at Gilbertson Cottage Escrick Road Wheldrake - no objections.

8/10/3V/PA: section 73 application to carry out the development approved under 8/10/3T/PA for outline permission for the erection of B1, B2 and B8 units and access without complying with conditions 2,5,6,8,9,10,12 and 16 to allow the phasing in of the development at Brickworks Riccall Road Escrick - The Parish Council stand by their previous submission with regard to this application. If the District Council decide to review the conditions imposed on this proposed development we rely on the Planning Officer to make the right decision with regard to these matters.

8/10/12/18/PA: erection of conservatory to the rear of 18 Carr Lane Escrick - no objections.

8/10/124D/PA: crown thin oak tree T1 within TPO No 5/2006 Saddlers Walker 2 Main Street Escrick - this was only received today. Mr Forster to investigate.


Selby District Council's Third Quarterly Parish Forum is on 24th July. Mr Skilbeck will attend this but if unable Mr Smowton will.

Selby District Community's lighter safer communities project for 2006-07. Mr Forster to enquire full costs from Mr Brooksbank before making any decision. Action: BF

York City Council have a Planning website where all their planning applications can be viewed. The address for this is www.york.org.ukplanning

Additional card holders for Macro the wholesalers in Leeds to be applied for. Action VC

Selby College sent an invitation for the chair to attend the opening of their new Renaissance Building on 30th June. Mr Smowton will attend.


Mr Forster had noticed that sub-contractors were in the village cutting the verges. Mrs Casling to be asked to investigate if SDC have now taken over the cutting of verges. Action: LC

Mr Forster enquired when the warning signs about the ducks were to be installed.

Clerk to request from SDC planning office to be kept informed of all planning applications. Action: VC

Mr Reader enquired if it were feasible to buy an old transit van with the wording "camera partnership" and park this vehicle on the roads through the village to discourage speeding traffic. The meeting felt this to be too costly and difficult to implement.

Mrs Wainwright reported that overhanging branches from a tree in Carr Lane were obscuring the light. As Yorkshire Water are working in the area this week she will enquire from them whom this tree belongs to. Action: CW

Mr Smowton reported that two incident had been reported to him via Mrs Mannix.

1. Residents living in Carrs Meadow had been disturbed by youngsters generally being a nuisance to them by coming onto their property and then running away. The community police has been informed by email about this.

2. Last Friday evening youngsters had been seen in the playing field with cans of beer.

It was agreed that an article would be placed in the Parish magazine informing residents to report incidents to the police immediately rather that telling a Parish Councillor a few days later. Action - SS.

All incidents to be reported to Mr Russell who will keep a record.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday 26th June 2006