
5th December 2005

PRESENT: Mr Ian Reynolds (Chairman); Mr Charles Forbes Adam; Mr Brian Forster; Mr Mike Russell; Mr Bill Reader; Mrs Gina Mannix; Mr Peter Skilbeck; Mrs Carole Wainwright; Ms Judy Wanless; Mrs Liz Casling North Yorkshire County Councillor and Selby District Councillor

APOLOGIES: Mr John Reader and Mr Steve Smowton It was noted that Mr John Reader had not attended any meetings since the AGM because of work commitments. Mr Reynolds hoped that situation would alter but if not Mr Reader would have to consider his position.



The untidy hedge and broken fence round the sub-station at Skipwith Road had still not been rectified. The Clerk was asked to write again to NEDL about this. The Clerk was also asked to contact the Environment Officer at Selby District Council because Main Street footpath (to the A19) and the footpath between Main Street and Skipwith Road (The Alley) were not being cleansed.

Mr Reynolds thanked Mr Skilbeck for bringing his trailer and clearing the debris at the copses in Carr Lane. Dean Landscapes have quoted £120 per year for strimming these areas which Councillors felt was acceptable.

Regarding the planning application 8/10/220A/PA - (Erection of a conservatory rear of Chalfonts 25 Main Street Escrick) - This application had not been withdrawn by Applicant. A complaint was made by the applicant to Selby District Council about this. It was agreed that a letter should be sent to the planning officer as Mr Brian Foster had been mis-led into believing that this application had been withdrawn. The applicant had in fact erected a wooden structure and not the structure shown on the application. This also has to be investigated.

Mr Reynolds's letter to Chris Berry at the Yorkshire Post objecting to the article he had written about Escrick had been published in last week's edition. Chris Berry would like to write a follow-up article about the village in the Spring and will contact Mr Reynolds before coming out. It was suggested other village organisations should be invited to meet with him.

YELLOW LINES ALONG MAIN STREET: Councillor Mrs Casling had spoken to Mr Brian Watson (NYCC) and was advised that the yellow lines were to extend as far as the tennis courts. This had been requested by Arriva and the situation would be monitored. The Parish Council had no objections. There had only been one objection to the lines. Work was expected to commence in January.

Mrs Casling also gave an update to the Parish Council for the following:

At the recent Selby Area Committee there were two main points for Escrick:

  1. NYCC Highways have lists of projects. In this area they are to investigate speeds in Skipwith Road and Carr Lane and look into what can be done to control speeds.
  2. There is a surplus of funds which has to be spent before end of March and it was agreed to bring this to the notice of the chair of the Village Hall Committee as they are looking for funding for an extension. Mr Russell to give the application form to Dr David Belbin.

The gritting of the roads in icy weather remains a problem and she continues to voice concerns of rural areas losing out. She is to attend a briefing on Police restructuring and will report back. NYCC has opposed the NHS Ambulance Trusts joining forces.

Mr Forster reported to Mrs Casling that the waste bin in Skipwith Road has not yet be en replaced. Mr Bill Reader asked when was the street sign for Saddler's Row would be replaced with the correct spelling. Mrs Casling to press for these and will report back.

ESCRICK PLAYING FIELD ASSOCIATION: Mrs Gina Mannix reported that there is £726.00 in the current account and £522.31 in the deposit account. The Halloween disco had raised £64. This had been a joint venture with Escrick & Deighton Club.

The tarmac area of the playing field is to be skimmed when the weather permits.

Mrs Mannix is carrying out the weekly safety inspection with Mr Mannix carrying out the three monthly inspection. Mrs Mannix requested that she attend the Safety Check course (the cost is approximately £150). Mr Reynolds advocated that two people should attend this course and the Parish Council would pay for one person and EPFA pay the other. This was agreed.

There is still a major problem with moles and Jesse Smith was due to return in March. It was decided to contact him to come early before the grass started growing and also when there were not so many children using the playing field.

It had been agreed at the last meeting that is was not acceptable to plant across the A19 access and therefore lose this valuable access. Mrs Mannix reported that Ms T Fawcett had put together a simple plan for screen planting and as there was some funding available to apply for a grant.

Mrs Mannix has obtained some quotes for signage.

The EPFA are considering producing a calendar for 2007 as this was a very good fund raiser. Lack of time had not allowed them to bring one out for 2006. They welcomed any ideas for this calendar.

Onyx had put a new employee on the job of emptying the bins who apparently was unaware of the whereabouts of these bins. Mrs Mannix had spoken with him and in future the bins should be emptied on a regular basis.

The accounts showed balances of:
A/c 81335235 - £10,962.96
A/c 81335243 - £1,593.49
A/c 01385518 - £34.50

It was agreed to pay:
Room hire Escrick & Deighton Club - £10.00
Deans Landscapes (grass cutting) - £2367.64
Mrs V Cumberland - stationery & postage - £8.64
Mrs V Cumberland - telephone - £26.52
Society of Local Clerks (subscription) - £64.00

Mr Charles Forbes Adam proposed a donation of £110 be given to the Village Green Committee and Mrs Mannix seconded this. All agreed unanimously.

Selby District Council - Parish Requirements 2006/2007: Mr Mike Russell proposed the precept be increased to £9,000 and this was seconded by Mr Brian Forster. All were in favour.


8/10/225/PA - erection of a two storey extension to rear of Gilbertson Cottage, Escrick Road Wheldrake - no objections - permission granted by SDC

8/10/201A/PA - First floor rear extension and conservatory to the rear of 23 The Glade Escrick no objections - permission granted by SDC

8/10/44B/PA - Conservatory to side of 32 Wenlock Drive Escrick no objection - permission granted by SDC

8/10/85C/PA - trim oak tree T1 in TPO 12/1985 Mancroft 7 Skipwith Road Escrick - no objections

8/10/220A/PA - Erection of a conservatory rear of Chalfonts 25 Main Street Escrick. This application was not withdrawn by Applicant - permission granted by SDC - see Matters arising.

8/10/3U/PA - Re-cladding of an existing manufacturing and warehouse unit Brickworks Riccall Road Escrick - the applicants have addressed all the points raised by the EPC in respect of the original application. It is now proposed to re-clad the existing buildings. EPC have no objections.


John Hodgson Charitable Trust - This letter to be circulated to all councillors and to be sent to Mrs Cath Wilson as representative of the Derby & Joan Club.

NEDL - requested details of festive lighting - Mr Mike Russell to reply.


Mr Bill Reader has requested the owner of a house on Skipwith Road to trim back the branches that are obscuring the street light. The owner has agreed to carry out this work. He had written to the Environmental Agency about the article written recently in the Yorkshire Evening Press about the River Ouse flood risk and had received a reply stating that Escrick was not at risk from flooding from the River Ouse.

Mr Forster has produced an article about overhanging branches and hedges obstructing footpaths and it was suggested that this should be re-produced in the parish magazine with a warning that property owners are liable if NYCC are required to do cut the offending branches.

He reported that the lights in Dower Chase, numbers 2 and 5 still had not been repaired. The Clerk has reported these several times to NYCC street lighting department. She will follow this through again.

The light in the bus shelter also needs replacing and the Clerk to contact Mr Brooksbank requesting this to be done.

The bus shelter is in need of painting as there is graffiti on the walls. Mr Skilbeck to ask Mr Ron Watson to redecorate.

Dean Landscapes' quote for grass cutting for the forthcoming year received viz:
£840 (£56 per cut) - village green
£690 (£46 per cut) - playing field
£840(£56 per cut) - verges
£120 (per year) - strimming

All these prices are exclusive of VAT. The quotation was acceptable. The Clerk also to request an updated certificate of Public Liability insurance and to thank him for his work in the previous year.

Mrs Mannix - a request has been received for traffic calming on Carr Lane or a lollipop person at school times. She would report back in view of Mrs Casling's report as above. She has been awarded a Home Office Associate Crime reduction award and Mr Reynolds commended her on achieving this.

Mr Reynolds - The Police have suggested the location of a new lamp on Skipwith Road. The Chairman will get a quote before putting it to NYCC.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday 16th January 2006 at 7.30pm in Escrick & Deighton Club.