
9th May 2005

PRESENT: Mr Ian Reynolds (Chairman); Mr Steve Smowton (Vice-Chair); Mr Brian Forster; Mr Mike Russell; Mr Peter Skilbeck; Ms Judy Wanless; Mrs Gina Mannix; Mrs Carole Wainwright; Mr Charles Forbes Adam; Mr Bill Reader; Mrs E. Casling (Selby District & North Yorkshire County Councillor).

APOLOGIES: Mr John Reader

Minutes of the previous meeting were read and Mr Forster proposed them to be approved and Mrs Gina Mannix seconded the proposal


WEBSITE: Mr Smowton reported that there had been 1100 visitors of which 850 were unique with 250 returning. The large numbers that had visited the website during the Windfarm's issue had now ceased and this had been taken off the web and replaced on the front page by the Chairman's report. A large number of guests from Norway had visited the website and signed the visitor's book.

PROVISION OF DOUBLE YELLOW LINES MAIN STREET: There is still no date as to when these will be provided. There has been on-going correspondence with the County Council without a date being given. Councillor Mrs Casling will try to arrange a site meeting.

PAVEMENT LEVELS AT NEW BUS STOPS: The pavements at the two bus stops had been rectified and the levels had been greatly improved. It was considered that the large yellow signs on the road were out of character for the area but were probably required to meet standards. Mr Reynolds to discuss this and the lack of lighting to the bus shelter informally with the Highway Authority.

ESCRICK PLAYING FIELD ASSOCIATION: Mrs Gina Mannix reported that the work had begun two weeks ago and the contractors had caused very little disruption to Escrick Park Gardens. The only concern was when large concrete blocks had been removed along with the previous equipment and because of the wet weather mud was deposited on the access track which the committee had endeavoured to clear up. On 19 May the first safety inspection was due and after that the playing field should be ready for the children to access the equipment. There has been a further donation of £200 from John Smith's Brewery to EPFA. Mrs Mannix reported that she had received three quotations for the provision of the extension to the disabled path and a decision as to which was to be accepted would be made shortly following a further meeting.

The Clerk had contacted Customs & Excise and the Parish Council can reclaim VAT quarterly but this would result in all future VAT claims having to be quarterly.

NORTH YORKSHIRE POLICE: After Mr John Reader reported previously about the attitude of the Police Officer who had visited him after a burglary, Mr Russell had taken this up formally with the Police. Following his discussion the Police had apologised. The Police had reported that Selby is regarded as a "crime free" area. Mr Reynolds thanked Mr Russell for dealing with the matter.

Mrs Liz Casling would enquire about the stickers from the Crime Prevention Officer as these had still not been received.

DAMAGE TO WALL ADJOINING RILSTON: Mr Forbes Adam reported that there was an ongoing insurance claim but he hoped that the matter would be resolved shortly and that the necessary repairs to the wall would be carried out. He also advised that DEFRA had not funded the tracks to Temple Walk but that the potholes would be filled in, in the near future.

ACCOUNTS: Mr Reynolds reported that the accounts were not finalised for this meeting but assured the meeting that the funds were in credit. The accounts will be brought to the next meeting for approval.

It was agreed to pay:
Room hire Escrick & Deighton Club £10.00
Mrs V Cumberland postage £5.88
Yorkshire Council Association - Subscription £180.00
Allianz & Cornhill Insurance plc - Premium £659.35
Guest Walker & Co - Refund of Disbursements £41.00
NYCC - Licence fee - Access to playing field £25.00
npower - Electricity Account £93.98

Mr Reynolds told the meeting that Guest Walker had not made any charges for preparation of the Playing Field Lease and had only charged for expenses and disbursements. Mr Smowton proposed Mr John Guest be given the Parish Council's thanks and Mrs Wainwright seconded this.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS: It was proposed by Mr Russell and seconded by Mr Forbes Adam that the status quo remains. The Chairman, Vice Chairman and Planning Committee Chairman were all willing to stand again. The proposal was unanimously carried. Mr Bill Reader indicated that as Conservation Representative he was willing to stand down if anyone was prepared to take this on in the future. It was agreed that that would be discussed at the next meeting.


8/10/24CA/PA: Proposed single storey extension to school music rooms to form new entrance foyer at Queen Margaret's School, Escrick - Permission granted by SDC subject to conditions

8/10/40H/PA: Proposed erection of a two storey extension to the rear comprising of conference to ground floor and bedrooms to first floor at the Coach House, Parsonage Country House Hotel, Escrick - No objections subject to certain possible conditions with regard to amenity considerations ie. overlooking and overshadowing relevant to Malcolm's Cottage. Also highway implications with regard to access arrangements and visibility. Permission granted by SDC

8/10/219/PA: Change of use from domestic dwelling to multiple occupation for a maximum of 10 students for Queen Margaret's School, 70 Main Street Escrick - a near neighbour has submitted an objection to the District Council listing various grounds but principally concerned about parking in Escrick Park Gardens. The Chairman had written on behalf of the Parish Council advising that EPC could not support her objection as the proposal should not create any additional parking problems.

8/10/48B/PA: Proposed erection of a second floor extension to form a larger bedroom 9 Woodlands Escrick No objections

8/10/63J/PA: Consent for works to copper beech tree (T1) within TPO No 16/1987 Beech House 49 Main Street Escrick No objections

8/10/220/PA: Proposed erection of a single storey extension to the rear and alterations to the roof of existing garage to create self contained living accommodation Chalfonts 25 Main Street Escrick No objections

8/10/3T/PA: Outline application for the erection of B1, B2 and B8 Units including means of access on land at Brickworks Riccall Road Escrick - Adjoining residents had been consulted and they largely welcome the proposals. EPC are not opposed to the application in principle but felt that the alleged sustainability of the site had been overplayed. It is considered that there could be an over provision of employment land in Selby District bearing in mind current approvals and proposals. It was agreed that the development should be restricted to the footprint of the existing buildings and should not be allowed to spread onto areas that had previously been used for open storage of pipes. It was considered that the front open space should be retained as a wildlife/landscaping area.

8/09/117/PA: Application for the retention and re-use of suitable buildings, car parking and landscaping and infrastructure at former Stillingfleet Mine Cawood Road Stillingfleet - EPC remained totally opposed to the release of the redundant coalmines for employment purposes and will lodge an objection on the grounds that it should revert to agricultural/forestry. Councillor Mrs Casling reported that she had been to other villages in the area and they are all opposed to reuse of the coalmines ie Wistow and Stillingfleet for employment purposes.

8/15/354/PA: Application for the retention and re-use of buildings, landscaping and infrastructure at former Riccall Mine, Selby Road Riccall - An objection will also be lodged in respect of the Riccall site.

CORRESPONDENCE: North Yorkshire Police - responses to antisocial behaviour - Mr Reynolds to reply that we have been able to deal with the problems in the past.

SDC - Garden Greens Scheme - Mrs Liz Casling reported that SDC are achieving the targets for re-cycling.

NYCC - Winter service 2005-06 - Mr Reynolds to thank the County Council as the roads in Escrick Parish were dealt with far better than those in the City of York.

Mrs S Orchard - Parking problem in Main Street - It was agreed that Mr Smowton would reply appropriately.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Cars parked along Main Street were still causing congestion problems. Councillor Mrs Liz Casling will attempt to arrange a site meeting with the Police and the County Council and to press for yellow lines to be provided if necessary in advance of the re-surfacing of the road.

Mrs Wainwright mentioned the overgrown area adjoining the Memorial Mr Forbes Adam agreed to deal with this.,

Mr Smowton congratulated Mrs Liz Casling on becoming a North Yorkshire County Council at the recent elections and Mr Reynolds endorsed this.

Mr Forster referred to an article in the Parish magazine in the Stillingfleet section which referred to flooding on the A19 at Escrick potentially in 2007. It was agreed that Mr Skilbeck would make the necessary enquiries and report back.

It had been reported that one of the residents of the Alms Houses was living in poor conditions. Mr Forbes Adam said the Chief Inspector of Alms Houses had visited less than a year ago and reported that the properties were in a very good condition. He will investigate further and report back.

Mr Russell pointed out that Carr Lane floods for half its width close to Woodlands and Mr Reynolds will raise this with Mr Colin Jackson of the Highways Authority.

Along Skipwith Road at the very end of Escrick Parish Council boundary the road was prone to flooding. As traffic moved along this stretch at speed and Mr Reynolds will discuss this with the Highway Authority.

The Lion/Water pump on Main Street requires attention. This will be inspected. .

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday 20th June 2005 at 7.30pm in Escrick & Deighton Social Club