
11th October 2004

Present: Mr Ian Reynolds Chair, Mr Steve Smowton vice-chair, Mr Peter Skilbeck, Mr Bill Reader, Mr Brian Forster, Mr Mike Russell, Ms Judy Wanless, Mr John Reader, Mrs Gina Mannix, Mrs Liz Casling Selby District Councillor.

Apologies: Mr Charles Forbes Adams; Mrs Carole Wainwright

Minutes of last meeting read and approved

Matters Arising

Parish Council Website: Mr Smowton has added an Events Diary for public events in Escrick. The history section has been extended. An announcement to be placed in the parish magazine when the website is ready. Mr Smowton requested the councillors visit the website and give him feedback on this. After 3 to 4 months after launch the website to be reviewed. The chair thanked Mr Smowton for his work on the site and the address is www.escrick.org

Village Hall Car Park: The chair had received another letter from HM Customs after seeing MP John Grogan and the letter states that it was unlikely that any VAT would be repaid and the Parish Council's case had been given every consideration.

Selby Bypass: There had been an article in the Selby Times saying the bridge problems had now been rectified.

Insurance: The benches on the playing field are not covered under the Parish Council's policy as it only states playground equipment. The excess on the policy is £100.

Playing Field Association: The meeting was declared an Open Meeting at this point
The Chair reported that he has requested from NYCC for the license for the access to the playing field to be extended to 5 years subject to a 12 month notice and the £25 fee for one year was high as the rent on the field was only £10. The Governors of the Primary School are concerned about the access through the school grounds and may in the future close this access. Mrs Mannix from the Escrick Playing Field Association updated the meeting on the latest developments with the funding applications. There are still outstanding issues to be resolved which could effect the funding application- disabled access as the gradient of land is not suitable for wheelchair use. A discussion about whether there was vehicular access onto the field which could resolve the disabled access and this was dismissed as unacceptable. A working group to be set up for the paddock on the playing field with a representative from the EPFA. A 100% grant is available for the setting up of this paddock and Mr Russell enquired as to the maintenance costs to the parish for this paddock. As the paddock is proposed to be filled with trees and wildlife with a nature walk, the maintenance should be very low. Everyone in agreement to have a sub-committee. Mr Forster was concerned about the access to the playing field if the school became a one site school. The chair reported that this would resolve as there is a footpath which runs around the school site. Theere was still a vacancy on the EPC and Mrs Gina Mannix was Mr Russell proposed this vacancy be filled by Mrs Mannix who is on the committee of the EPFA and this was seconded by Mr Forster and agreed unanimously. End of open meeting.

Emergency List: The chair to enquire from Queen Margaret's School if they are still prepared to allow the school to be used as the community rest centre and emergency feeding centre. The new EPCP community emergency list to be updated.

Hedge Trimming: Mr B Reader pointed out that the War Memorial mentioned in the previous minutes is in fact know as the "Coronation Memorial" (dated 1935 - George V).

Police Houses: Mr J Reader has enquired from the residents of the Police Houses as to their boundary and was assured by one of the residents that their deeds showed the boundary to the middle of the beck. The chair will enquire from the selling agents as to exactly where the boundary lies. Mr Forster showed the meeting an article in North Yorkshire's magazine about responsibility of hedges stating that parish councils are responsible for the upkeep of hedges along the sides of public roads in the parish.

Skipwith Road Sign: Mrs Casling reported that this sign is being made but could take 2 - 3 months as SDC take these signs in batches to be cost effective.

Alert: A man from Rotherham was recently arrested at Stillingfleet kennels who had been seen sleeping rough in Escrick. A warning from the police about a man in a white van attempting to snatch a child outside the primary school in Elvington recently.

Access through Queen Margaret's School: Members of the public have approached Mrs Casling and Mr Forster separately about the restricted access through QM. The chair reported that anyone wishing to use this access should write directly to Dr Chapman, the headmaster of QM to get an identity badge to enable them access through the school grounds. He confirmed that EPC are not going to persue the right of way through the school.

Double yellow lines - Main Street: Mrs Casling reported that yellow lines are going to be painted on Main Street from the A19 and finishing at Verity's house. This will probably take about 6 months to complete.

Street Lighting: The clerk to contact Mr Brooksbank to check the street lights before winter.

Derwent Court Flats: Mr Skilbeck reported that the road outside these flats is the darkest place in the village and proposed a light should be erected here. Chair had enquired about the cost of erecting another light and this would be £3,700, It was decided to contact the residents and suggest the trees and bushes are trimmed back as at present they cast a shadow over the light. Chair to request the resident in Woodlands whose willow tree also obstructs the light to trim this willow back. Clerk to write to Mr Brooksbank to do a survey on these lights. Chair will write to Escrick Park Estate and request a path be provided by the Estate along Skipwith Road up to QM gates.

It was agreed to pay the following:
Room hire Escrick & Deighton Club: £10.00
Mrs V Cumberland for toner & postage: £58.85
Chris Smowton for setting up the EPC website and help on clerk's computer: £80.00

AUDIT 03/04: The Clerk to ask Richard Cockcroft to do an internal audit before sending this to external auditor.

Planning Applications
8/10/60A/PA - erection of a first floor extension to the front and a two storey extension to the rear of 5 Skipwith Road Escrick - no objections in pincipal - note attached re possible changes and conditions.
8/10/214/PA - Retrospective application for consent to display a non-illuminated directional sign on land adjacent to Glade Cottages Hollicarrs Escrick - Objected as the sign is pointing towards an access that was rejected by the Highway Agency when the Estate first submitted its Holiday Park application.
8/10/215/PA - Retrospective application for consent to display a non-illuminated directional sign on land adjacent to Glade Cottages Hollicarrs Escrick - Objected as the sign is pointing towards an access that was rejected by the Highway Agency when the Estate first submitted its Holiday Park application.
8/10/57A/PA - remove flowering cherry tree within A1 of TPO 2/1979 at Rectory Cottage Escrick - no objection.

Mr Forster would like to have feed back on how decisions are made about planning applications in Escrick parish by Selby District Planning Office and he would like answers as to whether EPC comments on controversial plans are being examined. Mrs Casling reported that Matthew Parkinson of the planning department is prepared to come to the next meeting and talk about how decisions are reached by the Planning Department. Mr Reynolds to invite Matthew Parkinson to EPC's next meeting.


SDC - Alcohol Misuse: chair to reply that we have problems with youngsters throwing glasses etc onto the tennis courts and streets after late night parties at the Club. Mr Smowton reported that a party the previous week had again resulted in glasses being thrown onto the tennis courts and damage to the fencing. Mr J Reader said he had spoken to the Steward about this who was getting no support from the committee. The chair will write to the steward at the Club that it is the Club's duty to police their private events themselves and will point out that if anymore incidents of misbehaviour occur, when the licence is renewable the EPC will oppose it. These are classed as Public order Offences.

Wind Farm: The chair had received a letter from powergen about installing a community power wind farm on Escrick Park Estate. This would consist of 2 turbines painted white, 70m high with a blade length of 32 - 40m and the diameter of the base would be 4m. There would be track extensions for access. They are willing to come to a closed meeting to give further information about wind farms before they have a public exhibition. Mr Russell proposed we invite them to EPC meeting and this was seconded by Mr Smowton and agreed by the majority.

Mr B Reader reported that the footpaths along the A19 are never cleared along with the vegetation. Chair to contact the Highways. Mr Smowton reported that the second phase of the new school building was nearly complete and an opening is being planned. He also would like to thank Mr Reynolds on behalf of the school for being a successful auctioneer last Saturday night in the village hall and the evening raised a total of £2,700.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday 22nd November 2004