Parish Council

Update on the consultation with the whole village about the potential development North of the Village

At the Parish Council meeting on 7th July approximately 30 members of the public attended to hear the parish council debate the result of the consultation it had undertaken on proposed development sites around the village.

The Parish Council's planning working group had collated the results and written a report consolidating that information. Both can be seen on this website using the links below.

In general, the results of the consultation were that large scale development over 100 houses were not welcome. Smaller scale development was seen to be more in keeping with previous development within the village. Other concerns were highways impact, the splitting of the village by the boundary and the impact of this and the impact on services such as the primary school, village hall and pub.

The Parish Council will now base it's response to the City of York Council planning consultation on these comments. Once written, their response will be posted on this website as well.

Finally, the Parish Council undertook to investigate the possibility of employing a planning consultant to further consult the village on which and what development might take place around the village. These results will be used to help inform Selby District Council, when they consult on their sites around the village, as to what the village would like to see itself in terms of development.

Additional Documents

Survey Results

Consolidation of Results

Concentric map showing the centre of the village in relation to the potential development areas


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