Parish Council

Neighbourhood Development Plan

Escrick NDP logo

Escrick Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan 

On December 13th the Escrick NDP was 'made' by Selby District Council. It is now an officially recognised part of the development planning process for our area and must be referenced by all new development.

As a result, we now expect any and all future proposals submitted to be accompanied by a document describing how they have adhered to the Escrick NDP policies and Design Codes:

Please refer to Policy H6 - Design - page 32 policy narrative - "All planning applications will be expected to reference the design code to show how it has been applied.” 

The adopted Escrick Neighbourhood Development Plan and further information can be viewed on North Yorkshire Council’s website -

Thanks to everyone who assisted and supported the Team in getting the project across the line.

Best wishes for 2023. 

What is an NDP?

The NDP sets out the planning vision for our local community through to 2035.  It addresses what makes Escrick Parish unique today, whilst setting out how we can nurture and enhance our rural environment in the future.

An NDP is the most local part of the planning hierarchy. When adopted, the NDP forms statutory guidance to District and County planning officers when making local planning decisions.  It sits alongside Selby District Council's 'Local Plan' and National Government planning policy and targets. The NDP covers the area of Escrick Civil Parish.

Over the past two years the Parish Council has coordinated a working group, supported by external consultants to develop the plan. The project has been funded by a series of central government grants.

Correspondence from the independent examiner

SDC appointed Mr Patrick Whitehead as the independent examiner to assess the Submission Draft Escrick Neighbourhood Development Plan to ensure it meets the right basic standards.  The Examiner has recommended that, subject to a number of proposed modifications, the Escrick Neighbourhood Development Plan should proceed to referendum on the basis that it has met all the relevant legal requirements.

In the interests of transparency, all correspondence from the independent examiner is published here:

Examiner Procedural Matters and Questions - Escrick 21 April 22

Examiner External Examiner Supplementary question - Escrick 12 May 2022

Examiner Report - 29 June 2022

NDP documents

The NDP is is two parts:

If you have queries or need more information, please email   

Other documents

Click here to see our full library of documentation supporting the NDP


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