Chairman's Report 2009-2010
The Parish Precept for 2009/10 was £9,000 which has been unchanged for five years. In 2010/11 it is being increased to £9500 due to the increase in electricity charges over the last two years which we can no longer absorb. Total income including grants was £11122, total expenditure was £12277 leaving reserves of £2617. As usual, most of the precept was spent on the grass cutting of the village green, playing field and verges, lighting and public liability insurance.
Roads and Footpaths: Vehicle Actuated Signs were installed on the A19. North Yorkshire Highways are monitoring the effect of these on the number of accidents recorded. A week long survey was carried out on speeding on Skipwith Road which showed that 63% of vehicles exceed the speed limit travelling towards the A19. The bridge over Main St was closed to vehicles in March following concerns about it’s safety. Remedial work is being carried out and it should reopen in May.
Environment: Flooding continues to be a serious problem in the Main St/Carr Lane area and has been a priority for the Parish Council. Representatives of Yorkshire Water came to the PC meeting in March and indicated that funds were being allocated this financial year to carry out remedial work. There was a wildflower planting day on the Village Green which was a great success.
Planning: Science City York attended a meeting to present their proposals for the development of the North Selby Coal Mine to investigate alternative energy solutions. There is a proposal to build a dwelling on an undeveloped area near the junction of Main St and Carr Lane.
Escrick Playing Field: The 10K run at the end of August was a great success.
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