Chairman's Report 2005-2006
The Parish Precept for 2005/06 was £9,000. It is to remain at £9,000 for 2006/07.
Once again grass cutting of the village green, playing field and verges was the major expenditure in the year. The standard of litter collection and footpath cleansing on behalf of the District Council has been erratic during the year and complaints have had to be made. Councillor Mrs Casling is thanked for prevailing on the relevant Council Officer to inspect whereafter the standard of cleansing improved.
Roads and Footpaths: At last the long promised double yellow lines were provided to Main Street. This will be inconvenient to some residents but overall the effect will be positive with the risk of an accident at the junction with the A19 being significantly reduced. The alterations to the footpath in the vicinity of the bus shelter in Main Street were unsatisfactory and were altered at the request of the P.C. We were advised that the volume and speed of traffic on Carr Lane was being monitored by the County Council and that traffic calming measures may result.
Planning: The P.C. opposed the Planning Application by British Coal in respect of the Stillingfleet Mine on the principal ground that it should revert to agriculture. There have been no controversial Planning Applications in the Parish despite the number made. Brian Forster has carried out his work in dealing with these applications in his usual efficient manner. Our thanks to him.
Village Green: The Committee continues to carry out excellent work on behalf of the community. The new flagpole and "Yorkshire" flag is a welcome addition. Our thanks to the Committee for their hard work on behalf of the village.
Escrick Playing Field: The improvement works to the field and the provision of the new equipment was completed by June 2005. The P.C. received various grants and was able to discharge the account to Lappsett and reclaim the VAT. Some minor incidents of vandalism were reported and this resulted in the drawing up of rules governing use of the same. The adjoining paddock is to be tree planted and landscaped and this work is anticipated for October 2006. The cost should be entirely grant aided. The old shelter in the paddock has been demolished and removed. I cannot leave this subject without paying gratitude to Gina Mannix who has now assumed the Chair of the P F Association. Gina's work in bringing the enhanced scheme for upgrading to fruition was immense. She keeps me and the P.C. fully abreast of every situation.
Neighbourhood Watch: Thanks are due again to Mike Russell and all co-ordinators for their work in the past year.
Chairman's Note: The Parish Council has had another busy year with no slackening in the amount of paperwork directed at us. I am able to report that the Parish Council has remained at full strength through the year which was a very welcome situation following the loss of long serving Councillors the previous year. One aspect of village life does however sadden me and that is the increased reports of anti-social behaviour and minor vandalism carried out by a few of the youngsters of the village. Our Police Liaison Officer has confirmed that he will act if necessary. Parents must remain vigilant and accept responsibility for the actions of their charges. Sadly one major incident was reported a few weeks ago but lesser incidents of smoking, underage drinking, verbal abuse and foul language appear to be on the increase.
My thanks to Mrs Vicky Cumberland, our Clerk for carrying out her duties ably and efficiently and to all Councillors for their support and dedication.
My special thanks to District / County Councillor Liz Casling who has assisted us in many instances in the past year.
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