Budget 2021
The Parish Council has resolved to increase the precept for 2021/22 from £19,000 to £20,000. This is the first increase since 2017, and broadly reflects the increase in non-discretionary costs over that time.
Nearly £16,000 of this is on largely non-discretionary items, including insurance, grass cutting (verges, playing fields, village green), the Clerk's salary/expenses, loan repayments, and electricity for street-lighting.
The remaining £4,000 and a draw-down of reserves has been provisionally allocated to:
- £1,000 for general village maintenance: Provisionally to include painting of the Coronation Memorial lamp, painting of the fence posts at the Jubilee fountain, additional footpath sweeping, and minor tree pruning.
- £2,500 to be put towards the cost of a bus shelter and lighting on the A19.
- £2,500 to contribute towards traffic calming on Skipwith Road.
- £500 continency for any village green costs (noting the Village Green Association has missed out on usual income from the 10k and Village Green events due to COVID 19)